Smallpox vaccine is a sterilising vaccine: you become immune to smallpox.  That's why there is no smallpox in the world, thanks to the magnificent work of the WHO.  

The flu vaccine with the inactivated virus is not  sterilizing because it doesn’t generate local immune response in the respiratory tract.  The influenza virus can infect and move between multiple species, enabling it to constantly change in ways that make it hard for our immune system to recognize. They knew it.  

China killed the Wuhan strain in five weeks, with general masking, two weeks in field hospitals for all positives, and no national lockdown.  In the West we refused to learn from China's experience.   We chose nation-wide lockdown, house arrest for the entire population, especially children.  No children in the streets during lockdowns, they were obedience-trained.  We were too.

We refused the treatments used by doctors that cured covid since February 2020. treatment.  Actually, we criminalised treatment.  Our managers refused to wipe out the illness in 2020, in order to use Covid-19 for profit and for their social control long term projects.



The vaccine does not save us from covid.  We were ordered to take the vaccine in order to be free to travel, without masks.  Now, at NBC, they are cheering, beautiful news: "Vaccinated people are less likely to spread Covid."  Why should they? Did we hear right?  Yes, that's how much territory they lost, they are arguing that vaccinated patients are not super spreaders.. "Both vaccines reduced transmission, although they were more effective against the alpha variant compared to the delta variant."

"The department was asked to break down the numbers from before and after vaccinations were introduced, but it didn't." 
It appears that Canada's Ministry of Health prefers to obfuscate events around the epidemic.  Could it be that they want to hide some current unpleasant data, hiding them inside the data for the preceding 18 months?   If the latest data were not so bad, the Ministry would not try to hide them.  People who were vaccinated are dying in large numbers.
Yahoo news then analysed the data they already had: 76.6% of residents of New Brunswick are double vaccinated.   Out of the province's first 84 covid deaths, 17 -- or 20 per cent-- were fully vaccinated.  However, by May 18, when the vaccine became available to all adults, 42 people had already died.  That leaves 42, who died after May 18.  Of them, 17 were vaccinated, about half.  
As we can see below, in some countries,  the ministry of health will not go as far as faking statistics.  When that power is available, the regime may use the three-card monte method, in support of  Pharma profits, tricking people into taking the jab.

 Reports from Israel on vaccine effectiveness are very reliable, and paint a depressing picture: on the first line of the diagram above, we see that in the 20-29 cohort, 79% were vaccinated, and 78% of the cases were found among the vaccinated.  

If the jab had been 100% effective, none of the vaccinated would have contracted covid.  If the jab had worked at 50% efficiency,  only about 40% of the vaccinated would have contracted covid.  The vaccine seems to be less than 50% effective, it seems to have minimal effect.  In the 20-29 cohort,  It protects 1 person in 100 from covid, and 3 in 100 in the 50-59 cohort.  In the 70-79 cohort it has no effect whatsoever.   Now, statistics show that covid cases are more frequent among certain vaccinated groups 



However, the statistics released in August, seem to show a negative effect in some age cohorts: the illness is found more often among the vaccinated; only those older than 80 years old gain some marginal level of safety from the jab.  



How can we explain the July4-july 31 figures?  In the 20-29 cohort, there is a 5% discrepancy, the vaccinated are getting sick at higher rates than the unvaccinated.

Dr. Shankara Chetty, who practices at the Medical center in Port Edward, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, was interviewed by Dr. Mobeen Syed, who at 23' 53" in the YouTube program, asked:






Breakthrough infection

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.   October 18, 2021

Breakthrough COVID-19[edit].   

In April 2021, scientists reported that in a cohort of 417 vaccinated persons two women had vaccine breakthrough infections as of publication and identify their variants' viral mutations.[16][17]

In the same month, the CDC reported that in the United States there were 5,814 COVID-19 breakthrough infections, and 74 deaths among the more than 75 million people fully vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus.[18][19][20][21][22][23]

In July 2021, scientists reported that in an outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant, associated with large public gatherings, 74% of infections occurred in fully vaccinated people,[24][25] which may be inconsistent with findings that show current vaccines to be highly effective[26][27][28] against all "Delta" variants.




2 cases in 417 subjects indicates 0.1% breakthroughs. Over one year or over a month?

5814 in 75,000,000 in April 2021, indicates 0.008% x12 months, or about 0.1% breakthroughs per year.

Third example presents a 74% failure rate. 

Wikipedia does not seem to even attempt to explain the difference between 0.1% and 74% breakthroughs.  

Yet, even a low percentage of breakthroughs, means that there will be enough materiel from which variants resistant to vaccine may develop. 

If there had been any interest in causing SARS-CoV2 to go extinct, we would have allowed cheap repurposed drugs to do it, in 2020.


What we are watching now is a campaign to vaccinate everyone in the West and to thus tax Western nations into enriching the oligarchs and their parasitical politicians.  They know that distribution of a non-sterilizing vaccine, in the middle of a pandemic, cannot have any result other than persistence of the epidemic, with eventual new worse variants.. To achieve virus extinction a world-wide campaign is needed, run by international organisations, with a sterilizing vaccine, like the one that the WHO used to organize the extinction of smallpox.

 However, according to the Provincetown Town Manager, by July 28, the total number of cases associated with the Provincetown cluster had risen to 833, of which only 7 were hospitalized (5 in MA and 2 in other states) and there had been no deaths associated with the outbreak, underscoring that the vaccines were highly effective at preventing hospitalization and death.[29]


Again, we are facing a different situation with the Delta variant.  The vaccine does not seem to be effective.  Crowing over "only seven hospitalisations" seems silly if you consider the cost of the no cure/lockdown/wait for vaccine program: in lives destroyed, in madness, in suicide, in drug addiction, in family businesses dreams crushed, when that "only seven" is worse than what Dr. Zelenko in New York or Dr. Fareed in California achieved and other MS's with simple competent medical care in the spring of 2020.  And that was before ivermectin and quercetin were added to their protocols.

Especially when you consider that many may suffer for years.  The malefic effects of the vaccine do not always appear at once; moreover, the walking wounded are always rejected by a malevolent  Pharma-controlled medical system--a certain fact this, when we have seen that even the paralysed kids are rejected.  For confirmation of that, see the story of Maddie de Garay, a twelve-year-old brilliant student whose fault was to believe her government would not place her in danger recklessly; so she volunteered for the trials. 

You can see a video of her and her mother under the heading " Johnson, Senator Ron."

In first aid and triage, the walking wounded are injured persons who are of a relatively low priority. These patients are conscious and breathing and will often have only relatively minor injuries; thus they are capable of walking.