The game of three bells in a painting of the 1500's.    Hieronymus Bosch e bottega


The three-card-monte used to be called the three bells game.  The CDC had to resort to it when too many in the 2020 vaccine trials turned up with twisted faces, within three weeks of the jab.  The illness frequency was pretty bad, twenty times over expected rates.  So, what the nice guys at CDC did was to switch the event from the monthly file to the yearly file, and proclaim that the frequency was consistent.  Like I can say that doing 60 in a 30 mile zone is consistent with normally accepted speeds, like I sure wasn't doing 110, officer!

Bell's palsy is a dysfunction of the seventh cranial nerve; it appears as paralysis that may involve the eyelids, the lips, the tongue, immobilizing one side of the face, which may take on a twisted appearance.  It won't kill you, but it may cause constant headache, pain in the neck, jaw, ears, tinnitus, inability to close one eye even sleeping, difficulty eating and speaking, sensitivity to sound, changes to salivation and tearing; corneal dryness may lead to visual loss.  

Tinnitus is a constant ringing in the ears; it may also sound like a clicking, buzzing, hiss, or roaring.  It interferes with sleep.  Psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and concentration difficulties are common in those with strongly annoying tinnitus. 45% of people with tinnitus have an anxiety disorder at some time in their life.  It can be very depressing, and may be a cause of suicide.



COVID-19 misinformation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia                      June 13, 2021



Anti-vaccination activists and other people spread a variety of rumors, including overblown claims about side effects, a story about COVID-19 being spread by childhood vaccines, misrepresentations about how the immune system works, and when and how COVID-19 vaccines are made.

Bell's palsy

Claims have been circulated on social media that the Pfizer‑BioNTech COVID‑19 vaccine (active ingredient tozinameran) causes Bell's palsy. During the trial, four of the 22,000 trial participants had Bell's palsy, the FDA observed that the "frequency of reported Bell's palsy in the vaccine group is consistent with the expected background rate in the general population".[327]


To save us from our phobias, to comfort the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the FDA in December had proclaimed this self-evident untruth: "Observed frequency of reported Bell's palsy in the vaccine group is consistent with the expected background rate in the general population."

Wikieditors would not think of checking their betters for accuracy.  So, the FDA claim of normalcy was accepted and repeated. The frequency of BP in the American population, before the vaccine, had been 40,000 cases/year, that is, 12 cases/100,000 people/Year.  

In the vaccine group, it was 153-265 cases/ year, as calculated below.  The lie was repeated by the CDC: "Bell’s palsy was reported by four vaccine recipients and none of the placebo recipients. The observed frequency of reported Bell’s palsy ["BP"] in the vaccine group is consistent with the background rate in the general population, and there is no basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship."

The WHO blessed the falsification: "Regulatory agencies (in the United States and the United Kingdom) have found no clear basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship at this time between Bell paralysis ["BP"] and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2." 

At the WHO, however, they knew they were skating on thin ice; so, to be prepared for change in the party line, the phrase "at this time" was added to the benediction, and "no base" was changed to "no clear base." 



In regard to the 2020 covid-19 vaccine trials, he FDA said that the extraordinary appearance of facial palsy in seven test subjects, within an average of 25 days after vaccination, was within the expected norms.  It now appears that, for the BP trick, the data card got switched from the events/month file to the events/year file.  Isn't that the game that we see "magicians" doing, on an empty carton, in every big city? 






In 71% of untreated cases, BP resolves completely without treatment... Surgical options can be considered when there is no improvement in symptoms after weeks or months. Techniques to present eye desiccation range from eyelid weights to muscle transfers... It is recommended to refer to a specialist (plastic surgery, neurology, otolaryngology) sooner rather than later if no improvement has been seen in 4 weeks to explore more aggressive treatments.

Surgery is the last resort treatment and may be required in chronic cases. The facial muscles do remain viable for several years, and in these cases, complex reconstructions are available. However, rather than subjecting the patient to complex surgery with no guarantee of improvement, early recognition and initiation of steroidal therapy are recommended.



On February 21, the Journal of Neurology published an article on the case of a healthy 37-year-old male, who took the vaccine on January 8; on the 9th he developed malaise, fatigue, and headache, followed by jaw pain on the 11th and face droop on the 13th.

"Our patient started treatment with corticosteroids (Prednisone, 50 mg/day), eye drops (artificial tears) and eye dressing at night. The clinical signs worsened and progressed to complete paralysis within 2 weeks and were accompanied by severe pain (VAS 8/10) to the same hemiface. To date (5th February), systemic symptoms have resolved, facial mobility has only partially improved and pain sensation still persists (VAS 4/10). This is consistent with the natural history of the disease."



At 40,000 cases/year in the United States, we have 12 cases/100,000 people/year, or 1 case/100,000/month              

           In the vaccine trials, 36,901 participants received the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, so we should have expected maybe one case of Bell's palsy every couple of months.  Actually, one case was too much to expect, since people with risk factors for Bell's palsy, such as diabetes, pregnancy, obesity, and hypertension, would have been excluded from the vaccine trials.

Surprisingly, within ten days of the second injection, two cases of Bell's palsy developed.  Such a coincidence should have raised concerns; when, within weeks, five more cases appeared; it had to be obvious, that this was not an unfortunate coincidence.

At that point, they announced that "the observed frequency of reported Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group is consistent with the background rate in the general population, and there is no basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship."



The seven vaccinees came down with BP on day 37, 3, 9, 48, 22, 28, and 32.  That makes an average of 26 days after vaccination.  Dividing 365 days by 26 days we end up with 14 periods of 26 days.

With 36, 901 in the vaccine group, we had 7 cases in one period of 26 days.  The expected incidence of BP among vaccinees, will then be 18.96/100,000/26 days, or 18.96 x 14 per year, or 265 BP cases/year.  265 cases/100,000/year is 22 times the background rate. 

Instead of using periods of 26 days, we could use periods of 45 days. Then we would have 18.96/100,000/45 days.  365 days/45=8.11, so it is 18.96X8.11=153 cases/100,000/year, or 13 times the background rate.  

The actual incidence of vaccine-induced maladies will only be calculated when CDC orders doctors and emergency rooms to report to VAERS, but that will happen only when the regime collapses.  Our Dear Leader does not want to know how many bodies are left behind on the march to full vaccination.



Dr. Colella, Dr. Orlandi, and Dr. Cirillo, of the University of Campania in Naples, Italy, wrote that "although a causal relationship cannot be established for most rare adverse events, the timing and mode of onset of the palsy strongly suggests that it was related to BNT162b2 vaccine injection."

The issue seemed clear to the three doctors at the University of Campania.  As the VAERS reports poured in, the problem should have been equally clear to the FDA and the CDC.  Yet, they decided to keep quiet, fearing that admission of a cause-and-effect situation would bring attention to other adverse events and might bring about the collapse of the vaccination campaign... and of some governments.  We were imprisoned for a year, and they know that, occasionally, prisoners do mount rebellions.

Instead of presenting the problem and discussing it, politicians, health agencies, and journalists, started a deceptive campaign to downplay the severity of BP; they also organized personal attacks and forgeries against the brave women who had identified the problem already in December 2020.  We write about it in the chapter The V Cult.



13,794,904 were vaccinated in the US Dec14-Jan 13 2021.  If we have 40,000 cases/year in the United States, the norm is 12 cases/100,000 people/year.  If the vaccination did not cause BP, we should expect 1655 cases of BP amongst those 13M people, but they would be spread over the course of a year, 137 cases per month, or 4.6 cases per day, or 4.6+2.3=7 cases every 36 hours.  That should have been the normal background, for 14M double vaccinations. 

Of the seven cases in the vaccine trials, six had been given two vaccinations.  Of the 13 M vaccinees until January 13, most had only had one shot, and many doctors and most patients do not report to VAERS.  So it was not surprising to find only 98 cases in that first month.  However, on the day of vaccination and the next day, we could observe notable anomalies.

If we assume that vaccination was done at an average time of midday, over the 36 hours following vaccination, we should have expected 7 cases.  We found 40 cases.

In the four hours after vaccination, or 1/6 of one day, we should have expected 4.6 daily cases/6=0.7 case.  We found 13.  14 times the background rate. As we get closer to the cause of the catastrophic effect, the spike becomes ever more evident.

 Let's now limit observation to one hour following vaccination; we expected 4.6 daily cases/24=0.19 cases.  That means a 19% chance of finding a case among over 13M vaccinations.  The expectation was then that we would have had to wait for the arrival of 40 millions twice-vaccinated victims to arrive, before having a good chance of finding one vaccinee who developed BP within 60' of getting her "shot in the arm."  We found 9 cases, 47 times the background rate.  We present the lists of BP cases in the chapter Bell's palsy, 98 cases/month.

The evidence is clear: either Satan walks on earth, and visits vaccination centres, dispensing Bell's curses, or the Covid-19 vaccine damages the cranial nerves, causing a dozen of unpleasant conditions, from blindness to Bell's palsy.  

 At you can read about the tricks used to hide the prevalence of Bell's palsy after vaccination