
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information. This may be done on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient".[2][3][4] Censorship can be conducted by governments,[5] private institutions, and other controlling bodies.


In some languages, propaganda is a neutral word, equivalent to the English word "advertising".   In the English-speaking world, propaganda is some suspicious item of news or a report about which we could say, "That's just Trumpist (or Democrat, or communist, Russian, right-wing, etc.) propaganda.  Don't bother reading it, it's all false anyway."

The word "propaganda" derives from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Holy Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith), an office of the Roman Curia established in 1622 to coordinate missionary activities. 


Reverse censorship[edit]

Flooding the public, often through online social networks, with false or misleading information is sometimes called "reverse censorship". American legal scholar Tim Wu has explained that this type of information control, sometimes by state actors, can "distort or drown out disfavored speech through the creation and dissemination of fake news, the payment of fake commentators, and the deployment of propaganda robots."[37]



The idea of reverse censorship is part of a program to excuse a "defensive" censorship campaign.  Then, the destruction of our rights is democratic and constitutional, because dark mysterious forces are attacking democracy, says attorney Wu.  The most powerful forces on earth often claim to be under attack by obscure organized mysterious dark forces, as revealed by obscure documents that they presents.  Good honest fair arguments to beat us down,  like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Censorship by the media is a reality, and it is international in scope.  It was evidenced in the following BBC  initiative.

 At a recent summit chaired by the BBC’s new Director General, Tim Davie, the Trusted News Initiative (TNI) agreed to focus on combatting the spread of harmful vaccine disinformation.  With the introduction of several possible new Covid-19 vaccines, there has been a rise of ‘anti-vaccine’ disinformation spreading online to millions of people.

Tim Davie, Director-General of the BBC, says: “2020 has been a year like no other. We have seen the rapid spread of harmful disinformation and a growing number of conspiracy theories online. Whether it’s a threat to our health or a threat to our democracy, there is a human cost to disinformation.

TNI partners will alert each other to disinformation which poses an immediate threat to life so content can be reviewed promptly by platforms, whilst publishers ensure they don’t unwittingly republish dangerous falsehoods.

The partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU),Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft , Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post.               https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/2020/trusted-news-initiative-vaccine-disinformation

Internet censorship

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Official statements regarding site and content removal

Most major web service operators reserve to themselves broad rights to remove or pre-screen content, and to suspend or terminate user accounts, sometimes without giving a specific list or only a vague general list of the reasons allowing the removal. The phrases "at our sole discretion", "without prior notice", and "for other reasons" are common in Terms of Service agreements.

  • Facebook: Among other things, the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities says: "You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or pornographic; incites violence; or contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence", "You will not use Facebook to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory", "We can remove any content or information you post on Facebook if we believe that it violates this Statement", and "If you are located in a country embargoed by the United States, or are on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nationals you will not engage in commercial activities on Facebook (such as advertising or payments) or operate a Platform application or website".[40]

This is true censorship, that we can see today in regard to the vaccine campaign, as an attack against the victims of the vaccine.

Some decisions taken by the new masters of the town square:  

a. deny media access to the doctors who developed HCQ-based cures;

b. block studies with hydroxychloroquine ("HCQ"), using trick of a fake study;  

c. medicine trials are designed so that they must fail, using antivirals when the illness has gone past the viral stage;                                                      

d. deny media access to doctors who used ivermectin;                                            

e. hide successes of both sets of doctors;                                                                                                                      

f. reject vitamin D and any cheap off-patent medications;                                      

g. terrify people telling them that such medications are dangerous;                    

h. rush production of vaccines, pretending there is no prevention or cure;

I. bypass norms such as the animal testing phase;                      

i. give deceptive statistics on results of trials;                                                  

j. deny to the victims of the trials the right to the public square;                                                                  

k. break the ties between the trial victims by deplatforming them.

Facebook censorship was important part of said program; it destroyed vaccine victims groups, so that the awareness of the danger of the vaccines could be controlled.

Such censorship was government-led, as Jen Psaki proudly announced. 




  • Google: Google's general Terms of Service, which were updated on 1 March 2012, state: "We may suspend or stop providing our Services to you if you do not comply with our terms or policies or if we are investigating suspected misconduct", "We may review content to determine whether it is illegal or violates our policies, and we may remove or refuse to display content that we reasonably believe violates our policies or the law", and "We respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement and terminate accounts of repeat infringers according to the process set out in the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act".[41]
    • Google Search: Google's Webmaster Tools help includes the following statement: "Google may temporarily or permanently remove sites from its index and search results if it believes it is obligated to do so by law, if the sites do not meet Google's quality guidelines, or for other reasons, such as if the sites detract from users' ability to locate relevant information."[42]
  • Twitter: The Twitter Terms of Service state: "We reserve the right at all times (but will not have an obligation) to remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the Services and to terminate users or reclaim usernames" and "We reserve the right to remove Content alleged to be [copyright] infringing without prior notice and at our sole discretion".[43]

All tech companies collaborated to control the opposition to this deadliest of all vaccination campaign, particularly closing the accounts of doctors who spoke up about the vaccine dangers and catastrophic results.

Here is Susan Wojcicki, CEO of YouTube: "We talk about removing information that is problematic, of course anything that is medically unsubstantiated, people saying, take vitamin C...anything that would go against WHO recommendations."  Here is Mark  Zuckerberg of Facebook: "We do classify that as harmful misinformation, and we take that down."  When, in April 2020, two California doctors presented data that put in doubt the wisdom of national lockdowns, they were cancelled.            https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/04/29/fox-news-vs-msnbc-chris-hayes-debunks-video-of-california-doctors-who-downplay-the-threat-of-covid-19-as-tucker-carlson-hypes-it/

  As a business, the V Cult is a smashing success in most countries. In the United States and in Europe, many do not want the vaccine; that's why they have plans on making life hard for anyone who still think she does not love the vaccine.  It's free, all paid for already. Has there ever been a safer investment? It's blessed by medical societies, by the media, by all politicians, by the churches.  All governments in the world pay tribute. 

 The V Cult corporations enjoy special status; when their products cause damage, you can't sue.  No advertising cost: all governments must buy the product.  

 The V Cult has largely succeeded in amending the First Amendment.  On social media, people cannot discuss damages caused by the V and must speak in codes.  


  • YouTube: The YouTube Terms of Service include the statements: "YouTube reserves the right to decide whether Content violates these Terms of Service for reasons other than copyright infringement, such as, but not limited to, pornography, obscenity, or excessive length. YouTube may at any time, without prior notice and in its sole discretion, remove such Content and/or terminate a user's account for submitting such material in violation of these Terms of Service", "YouTube will remove all Content if properly notified that such Content infringes on another's intellectual property rights", and "YouTube reserves the right to remove Content without prior notice".[44]



Since 50% of Americans hated Trump, the creators of the vaccine cult had a mass of angry people ready to believe and obey, since "HCQ was Trump's idea."   Fabricating evidence against HCQ was easy to believe, and Trump did not allow Dr. Zelenko to present to him his excellent records of successful treatment.  With Dr. Zelenko, Trump would have won easily in November.  Instead he never mentioned Dr. Zelenko's remarkable success, and never allowed his protocols to be tested.

Today, the 21st Century realization of Minitrue, is larger than its imaginary original: it encompasses every daily paper, every major magazine, every radio and television station, every media organization in the West, nay in the World, since no state has so far dared to question the V Cult. 

In the United States, we find an exception: a couple of commentator on Fox News have raised questions about the dangers of vaccination.  The response has not been answers or debate, but only insults, from 1000 other TV station, all united under one slogan: "No time for debate, no time for questions, we must vaccinate now!"

The V Cult leaders know that, as long as they control the major media, it does not matter if there is some unseen and unheard dissent in the provinces, in the tribal areas.  Websites like this, are as irrelevant as a little poster glued to the wall in a dark alley was for the Czarist police, 105 years ago.  Indeed, the dissenters were irrelevant then, as long as the bread lasted and the war wasn't lost.  And the bread did last--until the war was lost.

What counts is that the V Cult must maintain 99% control of television, radio, dailies, weekly and monthly magazines, and social media, where the V Cult has proudly installed censorship bureaus, to protect us from doubt and from unpleasant thought and negativity.  Towards the products of the V Cult, we are allowed to feel only joyous expectation. 

Terror was the essential weapon.  To have obedience, it was decided to allow millions to die.

  • Wikipedia: Content within a Wikipedia article may be modified or deleted by any editor as part of the normal process of editing and updating articles. All editing decisions are open to discussion and review. The Wikipedia Deletion policy outlines the circumstances in which entire articles can be deleted. Any editor who believes a page doesn't belong in an encyclopedia can propose its deletion. Such a page can be deleted by any administrator if, after seven days, no one objects to the proposed deletion. Speedy deletion allows for the deletion of articles without discussion and is used to remove pages that are so obviously inappropriate for Wikipedia that they have no chance of surviving a deletion discussion. All deletion decisions may be reviewed, either informally or formally.[45]
  • Yahoo!: Yahoo!'s Terms of Service (TOS) state: "You acknowledge that Yahoo! may or may not pre-screen Content, but that Yahoo! and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse, or remove any Content that is available via the Yahoo! Services. Without limiting the foregoing, Yahoo! and its designees shall have the right to remove any Content that violates the TOS or is otherwise objectionable."[46]

Wikipedia thus maintains its value and fundamental importance, used by the regime to control perceived reality.

The reality allowed and recognised on Wikipedia is limited to what is recognised and allowed on the editorial pages of The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, or Le Monde.