Although we might disagree with Senator Johnson on certain issues, we must honour him for all he did to help America learn about the prevention and cure of Covid-19.  Even more, he did for the hundreds or thousands who were damaged by the vaccine, and have been swept under the carpet by a malevolent lazy greedy system.  

The video of the event can be seen at

U.S. Sen. Johnson: “These families have a very simple request: they want to be seen, their stories heard."

 Sheryl Ruettgers:

“My neurological symptoms have left me barely able to function some days, and the internal tremors create a type of fatigue that I have never experienced before. I am unable to fully participate in the activities I enjoyed before being vaccinated. My life has been negatively altered as a result of my vaccine. Will I get better? Will I develop Parkinson’s or MS or ALS or another neuro-degenerative disease? I don’t know, and my doctors can’t tell me if they know. So what do I want? I want our neurological injuries to be recognized and acknowledged by the CDC and the FDA.”

“I’m pro-vaccine, I’m definitely pro-science, but I’m also pro informed consent, and these vaccine injuries are real, but people don’t know. People need to understand that these reactions exist, and they need to be researched.”

Candace Hayden:

“Before this, I was healthy. I was active and self-sufficient. I fear my diminished quality of life is my new normal. Will I ever run again? Will I ever ride my bike? I would give anything to get in my car and just drive it. My greatest fear is for others like Maddie, the children, those that are younger that don’t have a voice, that can’t tell you how they’re feeling, that don’t understand why their legs are no longer working. I am pro-vaccine, I am pro-science, and I understand the vaccine is for the greater good. However, I also understand that we represent a small portion experiencing negative side effects. We trusted science and we did our part.”

“We are asking to be seen, we are asking to be heard, and we are asking to be believed.” 

Kristi Dobbs:

“Today, the medical community still remains baffled and unable to restore my health. I’m scared and frightened for my future so I do have hope and this is why I’m here today, speaking out. This is not an easy thing to do, guys, but I hope that our conditions will be researched and studied. I hope that we can find a solution and a pathway to health. That’s all we want. I would give anything, I would give my whole life savings if I could go back to January 17th and never to have had the experiences of my life. … We just want you guys to believe that this is real. We are real Americans, we are real people experiencing these side effects. So, I thank you for giving just that today.”

Brianne Dressen:

“I am a strong supporter of science and I’ve always believed in the importance of vaccines. I was so confident in this that I enrolled in the Phase 3 clinical trial, here in the United States for AstraZeneca. Within minutes of my first shot, I felt tingling down my arm and by that evening my vision had become blurry and sound became distorted and I developed hyperacusis, which is a sensitivity to sound. … Within 48 hours I landed into the ER, the first of many visits. My sensitivity to light and sound became so severe that I had to be confined to my bedroom alone in darkness in silence.”

“This is us. We are part of the full picture. Please do not erase us. Please do not make us invisible. To the media, we need your help to start the conversation. To help us end the stigma surrounding the term, ‘COVID vaccine reaction.’ To the CDC and FDA, we desperately need you to communicate with the medical community, what is happening. To our elected officials, we need help getting momentum for research, for early intervention strategies, so that when these patients do arrive in the ERs and hospitals, physicians will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to help us. To the medical community and to research institutions, please help us. Please hear us. Please believe us.”

The list of participants is below.

Ken Ruettgers, a former Green Bay Packers offensive lineman, and his wife, Sheryl, who received the Moderna vaccine in January 2021. Four days after receiving the first dose, Sheryl experienced severe neurological reactions that still inhibit her ability to live a normal life, including muscle pain, numbness, weakness and paresthesia.

Stephanie de Garay is a mother from Cincinnati, Ohio, whose 13-year-old daughter, Maddie, participated in the Pfizer Covid vaccine trial in December 2020 and January 2021. After Maddie received her second dose of the vaccine, she experienced severe side effects that resulted in multiple hospitalizations.

Kristi Dobbs is a dental hygienist from Webb City, Missouri, who received the Pfizer Covid vaccine in January 2021. Since her vaccination, she has experienced multiple severe side effects, including pain, paresthesia and heart palpitations.

Brianne Dressen is a preschool teacher from Saratoga Springs, Utah, who received the Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine during a clinical trial in November 2020. She has since experienced extensive adverse effects from the vaccine that has resulted in a medical bill of over $250,000.

Candace Hayden is from Detroit, Michigan, and received both doses of the Moderna vaccine in March 2021. In April, she suffered from paresthesia and partial paralysis from the chest down, which lead to a month-long hospital stay and weeks of physical therapy.

Maddie de Garay was there, but was unable to speak; her mother spoke. The video of Senator Johnson's press conference has not disappeared, as of October 2021.   Ms. De Garay appears to be paralyzed, she uses a feeding tube. 

Four SAE's, serious adverse events, were noted among the 1131 adolescents who received the Pfizer vaccine in the Pfizer trials.  Three were psychiatric hospitalisations, they were suicidal.  The fourth does not seem to refer to Ms. De Garay, or does not honestly describe her conditions.  Another possibility is that her case was so embarrassing to Pfizer and to the medical establishment, that she was informally dropped from the study, just as Ms. De Garay and her unfortunate mother were just disappeared from US media.  Here is the section of the FDA report that might have referred to her.

One participant experienced an SAE reported as generalized neuralgia, and also reported 3 concurrent non-serious AEs (abdominal pain, abscess, gastritis) and 1 concurrent SAE (constipation) within the same week. The participant was eventually diagnosed with functional abdominal pain. The event was reported as ongoing at the time of the cutoff date.

Obviously, someone decided that it was better to hide the tragedy of this young woman and of her family. There is a difference between having abdominal pain and being paralysed.  Either they successfully obfuscated the results, so that no one could notice the catastrophe they were preparing for us, or they just dropped Ms. De Garay from the trials.  

By the way, when Senator Johnson brought Ms. Garay and her mother and other victims to a press conference, the national press imposed total censorship, ignoring the event.  Even the local papers and TV stations in Milwakee just attacked the senator, instead of reporting the bad news.  

The catastrophic event for the De Garay family was not the only one, three more hospitalisations of adolescent took occurred in the trial.  One case in 300.  Simply omitted from the happy statistics, “safe and effective."

In 2020, there was pressure to ignore bad news, in Washington as in Paris,  in Tokyo as in Peking; we still see the same pressures in 2021. A self-evident conspiracy of silence could be observed in Peking, in January 2020.  It's still noticeable in the world's media and in almost all governments.  Reality, however, is beginning to make headway in poor countries, some large Indian states and some small European and South/Central American states have beaten covid organising distributions of ivermectin.



With her mother, Ms. De Garay appeared again at a U.S. Senate hearing, when a number of victims and medical experts gave testimony, about the irresponsible and cruel way in which they treat the victims.  

It appears that the White House, Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Bezos, and Zuckerberg, have all agreed to work together to communicate their truth.  

Their truth required a bit of obfuscation of data.  Their truth needed canceling public events of national importance from the media.  Their truth also required breaking off the links that the victims had  been able to put together on social media.  That's how hundreds of thousands of victims had been able to comfort each other and seek help and doctors able to treat them.  So they decided to cancel the accounts of the victims.  

It was an admitted conspiracy.  After all, Jen Psaki did say: "We are in regular touch with the social media platforms and those engagements typically happen through members of our senior staff and also members of our COVID-19 team — given, as Dr. Murthy conveyed, this is a big issue, of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic."

The event can be seen at  The hearing  starts at 30' 50" in the recording.








In March 2021, The New York Times called Johnson "the Republican Party's foremost amplifier of conspiracy theories and disinformation now that Donald Trump himself is banned from social media and largely avoiding appearances on cable television".[8]


I don't know... Yes, it seems to me that Senator Johnson has issues on climate and women rights; yet, can he be a bad guy if the Times treats him so severely?

Johnson used his position as chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee to invite witnesses to hearings to promote fringe theories about COVID-19.[38] The witnesses promoted unproven drugs, made dubious claims about COVID-19 spread and pushed skepticism about vaccines.[85] Johnson called pulmonologist Pierre Kory[86] to testify about his experiences with Ivermectin, as well as a medical doctor who "has cast doubts on coronavirus vaccines and has pushed for the use of hydroxychloroquine", and a cardiologist who disagrees with "settled science".[87]

[87] Senator Gary Peters of Michigan, the top Democrat on the panel, fretted that the witnesses would “amplify theories that are at odds with the broader scientific community and, according to experts, could cause harm.”

“These fringe views run counter to what the Senate should be doing — working on a bipartisan basis to protect the American people and tackle this deadly pandemic,” Mr. Peters said...

It has set off something of a quiet mutiny on the panel, enraging Democrats who plan to essentially boycott the traditional cross-examination of witnesses and unsettling some Republicans who are planning to skip Tuesday’s session lest their presence be seen as lending credence to the proceeding.                


When at a loss for words, Wikipedia psyops editors find help from the best minds of the Times for new insults.  Please note, from across the aisle, in Note [87], some thoughtful calm rational argumentation from The New York Times, "Elevating Fringe Theories, Ron Johnson Questions Virus Science". The New York Times

Thomas Nelson, the Outagamie County executive and a Democrat challenging Mr. Johnson, predicted that voters would remember Mr. Johnson using a powerful perch in Washington to publicly explore “rabbit holes of bizarre conspiracies.”

“What’s wrong with you? I mean, what is wrong with you?” Mr. Nelson said in an interview. “Do you not see the existential threat that communities like your hometown are facing, have been facing?              ”

Hold on to your seat, we are slipping into a Two Minute Hate here, straight from Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four.  We are in the hands of screaming vaccine cultists, as good as scientologists, but much more powerful. 


Johnson peddled misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic.[91] Asked about COVID-19 vaccines in March 2021, he refused to say whether they were safe (as medical experts had determined) or to encourage people to get vaccinated.[8] In April 2021, he downplayed the need for widespread COVID-19 vaccinations.[92][93]

 Johnson has falsely suggested that people who have contracted COVID do not need to be vaccinated,[93] and that there is no need for young people to be vaccinated.[92] These claims contradict known science and the recommendations of health officials, who note that herd immunity is the most effective to halt COVID-19's spread and severity.[92]


Wikieditors are now beginning to sound truly cultish.  

The senator refuses to pledge allegiance!  

He refuses to encourage people to suicide by vaccine!  

He falsely suggested that natural immunity is sufficient!

On April 26, 2021, he falsely suggested that kids do not need to take a vaccine!  

At the time, vaccine was not approved by FDA. At the time, the WHO maintained that "the COVID-19 vaccines are safe for most people 18 years and older...Children should not be vaccinated for the moment."

It's odd that in November 2021, Wikieditors still dare to argue on the basis of the failed herd immunity theory.  




In May 2021, Johnson falsely claimed that thousands of deaths were connected to COVID vaccinations.

He also falsely stated that there was a risk of death for people previously infected with COVID who received the vaccine.[94] 

YouTube suspended Johnson from posting videos on the platform for seven days over his remarks touting unproven treatments for COVID-19.[95]


Odd that Wikipedia would be unaware of that fact self-evident fact: the first days after vaccination are most dangerous, as discussed under Vaccine adverse events - - - Deaths after vaccine

And there they go, proudly waving the scissors of censorship