The above charts show how, out of 966 who died after an event, 312 died in 63 hours.  We do not know what killed them, but we observe a progressive lowering of mortality rates as you distance from V Day.  And 242 died over the next 5 days, to make 554 for the first week.

Pure coincidence, they say.  And VAERS is not precise.  It's not, because they do not want it to be precise.  It could become very precise, if the Preisident signed an order requiring hospitals and doctors to report all untoward events after vaccine, on a simple form that asks a dozen simple data.  To avoid compliance, they offer a very complicated formulary that requires 40 minutes of work. 



Many who are vaccinated die quietly, or become afflicted by horrendous illnesses, It started in December 2020, when videos appeared of nurses and nurse aides reporting Bell's palsy, or uncontrolled shaking.  

To distract the attention of the circus audience, they sent in the clowns; they arrived, they call them fact checkers.  Their job is to distract with jokes and say they cannot find the complainer.  Then, thousands of deaths, 10,000 by December 2021, 50,000 according to a whistle blower.   

All sorts of odd unexplained illnesses, all swept under the rug of an "imprecise system" they do not wish to make precise.

Then, flurries of casualties on the sports field, young healthy athletes. "Light case of myocarditis, he will be fine, a few days of rest."  Lies, of course, these young men are no longer athletes, they are retired now.

Then it starts happening on television.  What can they say now?  "It's just one of those tragedies."

It's a short video, just 3 minutes.


Vaccine adverse event

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A vaccine adverse event (VAE), sometimes referred to as a vaccine injury, is an adverse event caused by vaccination.[1]The World Health Organization (WHO) knows VAEs as Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI).[2]

AEFIs can be related to the vaccine itself (product or quality defect-related reactions), to the vaccination process (error or stress related reactions) or can occur independently from vaccination (coincidental) and are classified as:[3]

  • Vaccine product-related reaction
  • Vaccine quality defect-related reaction
  • Immunization error-related reaction
  • Immunization anxiety-related reaction
  • Coincidental event



In the case of the Covid-19 vaccines, the World Health Organization did not find "any unexpected or untoward increase in fatalities in frail, elderly individuals" following vaccination.   

We find the same satisfied trust--or committed denialism--in all press releases from all ministers of health in every country.  Examples:                            "Preliminary autopsy findings did not indicate evidence of a causal relationship between... death and the vaccine."                                               "No... evidence to suggest the deaths among the 23 severely frail and elderly people were associated with the vaccine."                                            "Preliminary findings: the cause of death was not anaphylaxis, but it will take several weeks for additional information." fact-check-meme-deaths-after-covid-19-vaccination-lacks-context/4508599001/                                                                              

By February 19, 2021, 966 Americans who had been vaccinated were reported to have died.  Not strange at all: some 13 millions had been vaccinated, and even the vaccinated must go, when their number is called.

Something odd: out of 966 listed vaccinated Americans who died within 50 days of vaccination, 312 got the call within 63 hours of the shot.  We can fairly assume that they do not give the vaccine to people expected to die shortly, and that exclusion ought to have lowered mortality immediately after vaccination; apparently it didn't.  

Coincidence? Of course, that's the only option, since the vaccines are safe and effective.



On day 0, the day of vaccination, 86 died.  Vaccinations presumably started at 9 am, and vaccinees start dying.  No problem.  Those who die through the night, are added to next day's count; so, for day 1, we count still more dead, 129 of them.  On Day 2, 97 died.  312 deaths in 63 hours.  We do not know what killed them, but we observe a progressive lowering of mortality rates as you distance from vaccination day.  So 242 died over the next 5 days. 

550 did not survive the first week; then the chances of surviving vaccination improved tremendously: if we survive vaccination, after 30 days we see an average of only one death per day for the vaccinated. 

If the vaccination event had no relation to the death event, you would have expected about 20 of those 966 Americans to die every day after vaccination.