Until the middle of March 2020, all unexplainably irrational orders of our governments could have been ascribed to the local Dear Leader's idiocy, ignorance and arrogance.  Then, three odd events, about three medications, created a new reality.

President Trump received a letter from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko about all the patients he had cured with hydroxychloroquine ("HCQ").  So, on March 19, Trump mentioned HCQ as a possible cure for Covid-19.  

His Democrat opponents learned that China had used chloroquine, a medication very close to HCQ, to wipe out covid in Wuhan; moreover, a trial of chloroquine in France had positive results.   The fear of Democrats that HCQ could succeed was such,  that Governor Cuomo of New York banned HCQ on March 23.  To help a bit more, he also ordered Covid-19 patients to be returned to old age homes.

On March 25, Dr. Isaia and Dr. Medico, professors at the University of Turin, wrote a piece in a medical publication, in which they invited the medical-scientific community to consider the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and respiratory illnesses, such as Covid-19. They proposed a list of foods rich in vitamin D and recommended vitamin D supplements, under medical supervision.  For details, see under Vitamin D.

Also at the end of March, a third medication appeared, when Dr. Jean-Jacques Rajter added ivermectin ("IVR") to the drugs he already used to treat COVID-19 with: hydroxychloraquine, azithromycin, and zinc sulfate.  Having read about what happened to Dr. Zelenko, the first thing that Dr. Rajter said, on April 13, to  NBC interviewer, was, "It's not a cure."

He credits his wife, Dr. Juliana Cepelowicz-Rajter, with the idea of using ivermectin for this purpose. She came across Australian research which showed Ivermectin destroys the virus in the lab, in vitro, but it has not been studied for this purpose in people.  “More studies need to be conducted,” Dr. Cepelowicz-Rajter said. “We haven’t had any ill effects from it and it’s readily available, we have some patients who are pretty advanced, not yet intubated, and even those, in 12 hours, they showed a significant improvement.”

The FDA issued a warning today... Ivermectin is approved for use in humans to fight parasites, more studies need to be done to prove its worth in fighting COVID19.  Dr. Rajter agrees and so does Dr. Cepelowicz-Rajter, saying that’s exactly what they are doing.

Immediately, all over North America and Europe, angry attacks appeared in the media, against medical doctors who quietly treated covid or who proposed preventive measures.  The two senior professors of medicine in Turin were actually insulted, on La Repubblica, the Italian equivalent of the Washington Post.   Then came worse: the Ministry of Health listed vitamin D prophylaxis against covid as "fake news." 




cargo cult is an indigenist millenarian belief system in which adherents perform rituals which they believe will cause a more technologically advanced society to deliver goods. These cults were first described in Melanesia in the wake of contact with allied military forces during the Second World War.

Metallurgy was unknown in Melanesian islands.  People  observed soldiers and supplies arriving in large numbers, often by airdrop. The soldiers would trade with the islanders. After the war, the soldiers departed. Cargo cults arose, attempting to imitate the behaviors of the soldiers, thinking that this would cause the soldiers and their cargo to return. Some cult behaviors involved mimicking the day-to-day activities and dress styles of soldiers, such as performing parade ground drills with wooden or salvaged rifles.

Upon learning of Covid-19 on December 31, 2019, Dear Leaders, in every country, relaxed. 

Starting on March 9, in Italy, the Dear Leader of Italy, one Giuseppe Conte, organized the theatre of national lockdowns.  The foundation of the national lockdown was the idea of regimentation, by which the terrified populations slipped into robotic observance of absurd arcane directives.

Theatrical ceremonies were organized, ordering people to wait outside the store, at 2 meter separations, and then to congregate at 50 cm by the cashier register.  

Great events were organized to create fear. In one such event, in Bergamo, Italy, the regime allowed caskets to pile up, to have a big show: a convoy of dozens of ten-ton army trucks, each of them carrying a couple of caskets.  For months, people were forbidden from leaving their home "without reason".   In some countries, you had to apply for permission on the phone.  In India, anyone caught outside by police was brutally beaten.  Occasionally, police would lose it, and kill someone.  In African countries, to show compliance to high Western standards, they opened fire on the crowd waiting for public transport, occasionally.

By isolation, and constant drumming of terrifying news, the cult leaders were able to create a mood of obedience, upon the promise of a salvific vaccinal event, coming from across the Atlantic, at warp speed, with health and freedom from lockdown bondage.  The blessed vaccine would bring pace e gioia, peace and joy, to all.  At the same time, they fanned hatred of bad medicine men who prescribed bad medicine and dared to deceive people, by curing them in two days.   

Dr. Didier Raoult and Dr. Montaignier in France;  Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough in the United States, and thousands of others saved their patients, resulting in very rare hospitalizations and extremely rare casualties.  Ay such news was suppressed.  Any doctor who dared to help his patients, in every country, was personally attacked and insulted, whether he proposed HCQ or zinc and vitamin D.  Starting with the US media attacking Dr. Zelenko, and with all French media attacking Dr. Raoult,  no debate was toleerated.



In the United States, doctors have always had the right to use any licensed medications, adding or subtracting from common drug therapy protocols.  Doctors always had the right to use their own clinical judgement and the experience of colleagues, and any information gathered from the medical literature to change protocols.  Indeed, 30% of prescriptions are off label. 

At the end of March 2020, the FDA blacklisted the antimalarial hydroxychloroquine ("HCQ").  In most countries, doctors who prescribed HCQ were threatened, lost their license, were arrested, or threatened with being sent into a mental institution.  If attacking doctors was too much for the local Dear Leader, like the Governor Cuomo of New York, ordered pharmacies to block prescriptions.  This was a drug, that until January 2020 had been sold over the counter in France and in African countries, while the CDC until spring 2020 declared HCQ safe for "children of all ages" and for "pregnant women and nursing mothers."   See the CDC recommendation under the heading hydroxychloroquine.

Days later, another mass-distributed medication, ivermectin, attracted the attention of fearful Pharma.  They banished those meds because they threatened extremely expensive medications like remdesivir or molnupiravir and because they threatened their future salvific blessed vaccine.  They tried to scare people away with fake stories of people getting sick from two of the safest drugs available.

That was Plan A.  For Plan B, some very clever people were working out a plan to put the competition out of business.



On May 22, a study was published on one of the world's most prestigious medical journals, The Lancet; it charged that HCQ was deadly to patients.  Now every paper and every TV station in the world could pour insult and ridicule upon Trump, for falling for the deadly HCQ fraud.  

The study was based on imaginary data, created by a brilliant young doctor, who is also a science fiction author.  Now,  being a clever person, he had to know that Trump had to have guys who would check the data he had faked; he knew that HCQ was used successfully all over the world, and that he would be challenged.  He had to know he would be found out very soon.  Then, why do it?  In a political campaign,  the original accusation goes on page 1 of the Times, the denial goes on page 37 next week.  However, the rest of the papers and television, will not mention the denial.  The trick worked perfectly, against Trump and HCQ.  For details, see under hydroxychloroquine.

That Lancet article attracted attention to another article by the same doctor, this time in the New England Journal of Medicine, praising ivermectin ("IVR").  Most remarkably, the same science fiction writer had managed to place two fake studies in the two major journals in the US and the UK.  Both articles were based upon fake data.  Thus the three major ingredients of Covid-19 therapies were "proved" false and the Trump campaign was killed.

Vaccine fraudsters, still  today, present the May 2020 fake trial on NEJM, as proof that IVR relies on fake studies.  The two fake studies seemed brilliantly designed to kill the two main medications against covid.  We can presume that the reward for the doctor who manufactured the fake data must have been quite rewarding.  



All health ministers in the world agreed that all prevention and cure would be rejected.  The motive: everyone agreed, there was no prevention or cure.  The result: anyone who proposed prevention and cure was blacklisted.  Meanwhile, the believers, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, cowered in lockdown and curfew, awaiting the blessed vaccine.

Dr. Fauci, with a kind smile, complied with Trump's request for HCQ studies, and organized HCQ trials with a bit of prestidigitation.

HCQ, like IVR, is an antiviral, effective during the viral phase of the illness, not in the pulmonary phase that sends us into hospital.  HCQ attacks the virus; after six days, the problem is no longer the virus, but the blood clotting and the cytokine storm.  The trials for HCQ (and IVR) were restricted to patients in hospitals, who were all in the pulmonary phase of the illness.  Moreover, they also denied to patients the other essential medications of the Covid-19 protocols: so, no vitamin D, no vitamin C, no zinc. 

Thus the HCQ trials were a sham, designed to fail, organized to deceive the nation and the world.  Likewise, there were no honest trials for IVR.  Dr. Fauci also blocked prescription of HCQ by doctors treating patients at home.



At this point, it became clear that we had a world-wide arrangement at hand, starting as a political campaign against Trump, but soon paralleled by a Pharma campaign against vitamins, herbs, and against the safe out-of-patent medications, and in favor of very expensive or deadly new medications, like remdesivir and molnupiravir.

 The political situation in the US gave the Pharma campaign the support of 95% of US media and of scores of millions of devoted followers, ready to believe any hooey fed to them if it looked bad for Trump.  

Thus, HCQ had become a Republican drug.  Taking "Trump's medication" marked one as right-winger, as a Trump supporter.  Yelding under pressures from government, hospitals, colleagues and families, most doctors rejected the pomps of Trump, the New Satan.  

In the 1951 Asch conformity experiments, 37% of students complied and voted with an imaginary majority, made up of students hired by Dr. Asch to test people's willingness to comply with the majority view, no matter what.  The students who played the role of popular majority,  had been hired to say that the longer line was shorter.  In the experiment, the subjects did not know the other students, and were not facing any social disadvantage from dissent.  Yet, more that a third of subjects did comply with the fake majority.  In workplace, social, and family relationships, there significant loss from dissent. 

Blinding fear was drummed into the heads of a billion prisoners in home detention.  Jacinda Ardrens said “We drum in that messaging around the dangers of Covid pretty diligently for a full two-week period of sustained propaganda.”  But lockdowns in Europe and America went on for months, and we know that prisoners can be easily convinced that the shorter straw is longer.  All they need is repetition

The cult trained the faithful to see dissidents as anti-science, ignorant, and egotistical, willing to disturb  the peace of mind of normal people.  Friendships and families have broken up over the vaccine.  

Now, it's worse: the arrival of the blessed vaccinal sacrament is causing ever greater social breakdown.  Hatred of dissenters is being fanned by the media; dissenters are presented as willing to destroy peace , tranquillity, and health.  Dissenters are even seen as killers of their dead friends or grandmothers, whether they died of covid or of covid injection. 



Dr. Robert Malone sees the vaccination enterprise as "rampant war profiteering."  Yet, there may be a deeper explanation for the Great Reset.  The entire covid show might have been engineered for the protection and survival of the system.  Dear Leaders are unpleasant jerks, but their oligarch backers aren't stupid.  You do not get to the top being stupid. 

Many economists are pessimistic, and the oligarchs may have concluded that the castle of cards of the world's finance is due to collapse.  In that case, revolts will be expected.  A problem, since the oligarchy has reason to fear that armed forces and police may sympathise with the dissidents and may become unreliable.  There might be reason to rely, then, on special controls.

The oligarchy would then have to rely on authoritarian measures, strong measures, things that worked so well in Argentina, Chile, or Brazil in the 1970's.  If it chooses the "Brazil strategy"--see the 1985 film Brazil--the oligarchy would need total information dominance.   The idea is to record, for eventual investigational use, who sees whom, when and where and why and what they said.    

Then, besides profits, the objective of the covid event would be the actual safety of the one percenters.  It might have been agreed that there is need to mark and index and know and follow every single ant in the American anthill, and every ant in the Italian anthill, and every ant in the French anthill, and so on.  

After cash is phased out, we would need to present our green pass for every book, banana, or bus ticket we buy..  At that point, the social credit system would decide not to allow us to buy a subway ticket. 

Such dominance would allow the one percenters to individuate and eliminate any resistance.  The Green Pass of sanitary fascism is the first step.