Let's try to find ways to interpret the behavior of our leaders as errors of well-meaning officials.



The US Army laboratory at Fort Derrick was temporarily closed down because of sloppy management.  Then, Western medical institutions entrusted a Wuhan laboratory, also accused of sloppy practices, with carrying out research to increase the capabilities of deadly viruses.  Dr. Fauci's denies it, but his letters nail him.  

Other laboratories carried out such dangerous experiments, and there was no outfit overseeing crazy virus experiments: all laboratories worked on the honor system. 

Neither was there any watch over the experiments that any virology professor or student could decide to organise. I cite here the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

The United States has come farther than most countries in its deliberations, and in 2012 began implementing “Dual-Use Research of Concern” (DURC) policies after a challenging, decade-long process. These policies establish procedures for reviewing certain types of research with certain types of high-consequence pathogens and toxins...

Their aim was to demonstrate that it is possible to synthetically create horsepox virus in the lab, and by extension, in the longer-term, that it would be possible to develop a horsepox-based vaccine against smallpox that would be safer and more effective than contemporary vaccines. To do this, the research team obtained gene fragments through mail order from a DNA synthesis company, assembled the fragments into the sequence of the horsepox virus genome, and stitched them together. The resulting virus was then shown to be capable of infecting cells and reproducing...

The horsepox experiment highlighted three weaknesses in the American DURC policies. First, horsepox virus is not listed as a pathogen requiring review... Second, even if the horsepox virus had been listed, the experiment would not be covered by DURC policies, because review obligations only apply to US government-funded research and the horsepox experiment was privately funded.                                                     https://thebulletin.org/2018/04/how-do-we-control-dangerous-biological-research/ 



We can thus say that the rules for playing with viruses are very loose, and that a pandemic virus emergence was expected. 

War games were organized, under the sponsorship of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, with the participation of world leaders, media, and intelligence personalities.  It appears that the games moved in an authoritarian direction, towards mandatory general vaccination.   

Starting on January 3. 2020, East Asia countries moved early, and soon emerged from the Wuhan strain with casualties 1000 times lower than Western countries.  Yet, Western leaders appeared extremely relaxed and unconcerned.  They acted as if their battle plan was already written.  

They fell into nation-wide lockdowns, and seemed to follow the same script in every country, in total rejection of China's example: so, no local lockdowns, no masks, no food deliveries into homes, no field hospitals for positives and light cases.  Instead, special commitment to watchful waiting, against curing covid, resulting in massive casualties and development of harder-to-control varieties.



In France, the reaction of  government and media against Professor Raoult was frenzied and insulting: he used chloroquine,  successfully used in China. 

In Italy, two senior professors were insulted on national media, for suggesting the use of vitamin D.  The media rage against when Trump proposed hydroxychloroquine. 

TNI, an International body of censorship was established, to prevent some of the most published scientists from publishing again and to keep secret death/stillbirth/illness after vaccine.

Western regimes' reaction against curing doctors was the imposition of censure, to protect the ignorant medical masses from learning how their more advanced colleagues were saving their patients.

Fake studies intended to fail and kill patients were organized at great cost, to prove that HCQ or ivermectin did not work.  The deadliest useless medications were chosen (paracetamol, remdesivir and molnupiravir) over the safest and effective ones (vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, HCQ, ivermectin)

About the vaccine, they used three-card monte strategies to hide 3 to 20 times over background illnesses, and then they bet all their winnings on kid vaccinations.



This tell me that it has gone beyond the profitable billion-dollar profits and even beyond the Great Reset decision to kill cash and impose social credits and mark and tag everyone.  Even the WHO, controlled by Bill Gates as it is, resists the use of the deadly remdesivir as well as childhood vaccination.

WHO bosses want to help their partners, and sure want profits, but have not joined the vaccinal cult.  The oligarchy-controlled media, belong to the cult and have become unbalanced.

They cannot have sanitary fascism without heavy handed fascist methods, but that might cause their earlier downfall.