On January 3, Thailand started to screen passengers from China for symptoms of acute respiratory infection. On January 10, anticipating what would happen, the Royal Thai Government (RTG) started a nation-wide public communication campaign to provide accurate information about what would come to be called COVID-19. All people… were encouraged to… apply basic health measures such as handwashing, mask wearing and physical distancing. On 13 January 2020, Thailand reported that a Wuhan resident who travelled to Bangkok on 8 January had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This was the first COVID-19 case detected outside China.                          thailand-c19-case-study-20-september.pdf

In East Asian countries, governments acted immediately, to control travel and impose masking.  The argument was simple, the virus is spread by breathing.  There were no masks, so volunteers were organized to make masks on sewing machines.

Through January 2020, North American and European ministers of health cheerfully ignored the issue, to the point of permitting daily direct flights from Wuhan without any controls whatsoever.  European leaders had no time for the matter, they were busy.  Dr. Redfield of CDC was unable to speak to President Trump, who was very busy.  

Dr. Gao of China's CDC, on the phone with Dr. Redfield, burst out crying, on January 2.   How to explain that?  Probably he had been unable to reach his president--the rulers trusted the foolish optimists and ignored his warnings.



In the West, our political leaders knew  that Taiwan had crushed covid, suffering six deaths, 0.25/M, 1000 times less than most western countries.  Every minister of health could read English language newspapers from China, Taiwan, and Korea.  They knew that China had beaten Covid.

On March 4, on The New York Times, Dr. Bruce Aylward of the WHO, explained how China had beaten covid in Wuhan.  The article's  author, Donald McNeil, was in turn interviewed on March 13 on MSNBC by Rachel Maddow, under the title "How a country serious about coronavirus does testing and quarantine."  

Here is the Chinese method: entering any major building, you would get a temperature check.  If you had fever, you would go to a fever clinic at a hospital, entering by a separate entrance.  You would be tested for flu and bacterial pneumonia.  Then you would be given a CT scan to see if you had ground glass areas in your lungs, characteristic of covid.  Then a PCR test.

If it was covid, if you were in need of oxygen, older than 65, or had other medical conditions, you would be hospitalized.  If you had a light case or even a pneumonia without need for oxygen, you would go a fangcang hospital.  That's a field hospital in a sports center, where they treated you with herbs and chloroquine, and fed you and gave dance classes to entertain you.  There were 14 fangcang hospitals in Wuhan, with a total of 20,000 beds.  

They soon organized food deliveries to every home, to avoid contagion while shopping.  In May 2020, in Boston, 20% of grocery store workers tested positive to covid; the plastic barriers are porous, as are those for bus drivers. company/newsroom/high-rate-of-symptomless-covid-19-infection-among-grocery-store-workers/



By March, European presidents seemed to slip into panic; on March 9, Italian Prime Minister Conte ordered a nation-wide lockdown. In a few days, Spain and France followed suit, and then rest of the world, all of them issuing strange contradictory orders that made our lives difficult and crushed millions of small businesses and brought hunger to hundreds of millions who buy food with the money they make each day.  



Western politicians entered into a context over who was the most ignorant, who could issue the dumbest orders, such as spraying disinfectants upon deserted bridges in Venice.   Or ordering that a snow cannon be trucked around, along the deserted streets of an Italian ski village, spraying disinfectant into the air.  




Soon, police were stopping masked pedestrians, demanding ID.  It was getting warmer in France, so biking to the beach and picnicking had to be outlawed.




The problem, more than ignorance, was arrogance, since in every Prime Minister's office they do read the New York Times.  European politicos and media knew that China had beaten the Wuhan strain of Covid-19, but were uninterested.  

Worse, they knew that East Asian countries, which hosted many Chinese tourists, had rejected lockdowns.  By May in Europe and North America were 1000 times greater than in East Asia.  



African and Asian head of state thought they could do no less, and unleashed hordes of armed men, in an unprecedented wave of general police brutality, as they enforced malevolent lockdown rules, imposed in imitation of European decrees.  Child and maternal mortality rose in South Asia by an estimated 200,000, by malnutrition, starvation, and lack of normal care.                                              

Hundreds of millions fell back into poverty.  Overnight, millions of internal migrant workers in India were expelled from the cities, starting the trek back to their villages, under persistent violent attack by the forces of order.  Many never made it to their village

In the West, police remained officiously polite, as they eagerly extracted lonely swimmers from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, to drag them off to jail.

Tens of millions of lives were ruined; alcohol, drugs, an awful increase in family violence.  A loss of IQ was noted in children deprived of games, friends, fresh air, and school.

"In the decade preceding the pandemic, the mean IQ score on standardized tests for children aged between three months and three years of age hovered around 100, but for children enrolled in this study born during the pandemic that number dropped to 78."



The WHO, which had led the world to ignore the plague with persistently false optimistic information, now declared war on the established science of respiratory infection transmission.  Their battle plan was based on three odd beliefs: you are safe from contagion at one meter or three-feet separation, masks are useles, and there is no airborne transmission, i.e. the virus does not remain suspended in the air as aerosol.

East Asians had succeeded by giving to their people clear and simple directions about contagion: it happens indoors.  The WHO and the ministers of health ordered sheltering indoors and social distancing at 1 meter/3feet.  Those were just silly magic incantations, as anyone opening the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong could see: Hong Kong had never locked down, was free of covid, and cared not for the WHO rules.





To billions of the faithful in fear of death, cowering under house arrest, the media fed daily lies about the lack of cures and about the mode of transmission of the virus.  Meanwhile, in East Asia, by the end of March, subways were crowded, and streets were full of people, walking in the early spring sun.

In the West, the  huddled masses yearning to breathe free, were shut indoors, forbidden from buying plants or seeds or tiles to repair the roof.  In the UK, police chased lonely beach walkers and ordered back into the house children playing in their backyards.  The media were busy attacking offenders who dared to go for a walk in the countryside.      



On March 27,  Dr. Gao, head of China’s CDC, noted the importance of isolating even mild disease cases. “This is why we built module hospitals and transformed stadiums into hospitals… You have to have understanding and consensus…The big mistake in the U.S. and Europe, in my opinion, is that people aren’t wearing masks.”

Western prime ministers and ministers of health were not interested in explaining or in being understood by their people, all they wanted was obedience.  They were totally incurious about China's success in beating covid or about Taiwan's success: one school had one case, and that was the school they closed.




Certainly the more stupid and ignorant presidents were uninformed, but could they all have have fallen into the same hole, like Breugel's blind beggars? 

If the United States had come up with a formula to beat the virus, Europe’a ministers of health would have been in pilgrimage to Washington, to drink from the Fountain of Wisdom; but this was an Asian success, and Europeans had no time or inclination to learn from Asians.   They locked down their entire countries, but without masks, and without field hospitals.



Influenza and tuberculosis spreads on saliva bubbles suspended in the air of a room.  We create them breathing.  We create ever more bubbles speaking, coughing, sneezing, singing--that had been known at the time of the Spanish Flu, and was proved in 1934 by Wells.

In February 2020, the WHO decided, without offering argument, that SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing covid, was not airborne. Perhaps it was not airborne in Geneva.  Elsewhere, it was, and an article on South China Morning Post of March 9, 2020, reprinted on the Daily Mail of March 10, informed us about a Chinese study that proved airborne transmission on a bus at 4.5 meters of distance.  That was confirmed by different Chinese studies that showed transmission on buses and in restaurants.






The WHO's one-meter decree went against 80 years of studies about the spread of respiratory illnesses.  Airborne spread was an item that did not need to be proved, it needed to be proved erroneous.  Someone decided to give us a false sense security deriving from distancing, even though anyone reading  Chinese or Korean English language papers could see that they did not do social distancing, while our covid death rates were 1000 times greater.                     




Covid-19 is an indoors illness. It spreads indoors, on the bus, at the restaurant.    

"Our study does not rule out outdoor transmission of the virus. However, among our 7,324 identified cases in China with sufficient descriptions, only one outdoor outbreak involving two cases occurred in a village in Shangqiu, Henan. A 27-year-old man had a conversation outdoors with an individual who had returned from Wuhan on 25 January and had the onset of symptoms on 1 February...

The two neighbours had not seen each other for a long time; it's most likely that they shook hands.  

Covid also spreads in church, in school, and in about 80% of cases at home.  China extirpated the Wuhan variant in six weeks, with fangcang hospitals and masks.  

Sending positives home means you want to spread the illness.  Sending them home without medication means you want them to die.



There used to be one known remedy and defense against tuberculosis: fresh air and sun.  Without knowing it, doctors who prescribed the sun to children affected by tuberculosis were prescribing vitamin D.  

Yet, for the past ten years, the WHO has refused to tell us how much vitamin D should be given to children, to prevent respiratory infections, despite the entreaties of WHO doctors.                                                         

It's not that the WHO hates kids, it's just that medical societies are tied to Pharma, and Pharma does not like vitamins.  It would be a very bad day for Pharma if everyone started taking vitamin D every day.  Pharma needs poor health habits, and poor people with poor immunity.  

When good doctors demand prophylaxis with vitamins and herbs and sun, Pharma trundles out uncertain doubtful skeptical MD's, to delay conclusions.  No evidence the good WHO doctors present will ever be sufficient: "More studies, we need more studies".  Until all doubtful MD's haven't agreed, the WHO will abstain from agreeing on the need for D.  



Ventilation of indoors space is an essential defense against respiratory illnesses, and that has been recognised in documents from CDC and WHO.   

Yet, both CDC and WHO, in their current pronouncement on covid-19 are under orders to ignore the issue, replacing it with the absurdity of the 3 feet/I meter rule for WHO and 6 feet for CDC.  

They locked us at home.  They denied us the sun and tried to scare us with fake stories on the danger of excess vitamin D.  They ordered early closing of restaurants to increase crowding.  They allowed stores to keep all doors closed, resulting in 20% illness among employees.  Were they not organizing the spread of covid?

China treated covid with herbal medicine and chloroquine, and separated the infected cities from the healthy ones, and the patients from their families, for two weeks, in fangcang hospitals.  In the West we refuse to medicate anyone until pneumonia sets in, and send patients back home or even to old age home, without medication.  Are they trying to spread the infection? 

Still in November 2021, in Europe, they order us to wear a mask at the store.  Yet, indoor bars are crowded.  They know that the vaccinated catch covid and spread covid.  Then they catch covid and blame us.



Covid patients in the US, in November 2021, are treated with Remdesivir.  Yet, the WHO website presented a document, dated November 20, 2020, that says: "WHO has issued a conditional recommendation against the use of remdesivir in hospitalized patients, regardless of disease severity, as there is currently no evidence that remdesivir improves survival and other outcomes in these patients."

FDA's Stephen Hahn and Daniel O'Day of Gilead get good news from the President

On October 28, 2020, Science published an article under the title 'The "very very bad look" of remdesivir, the first FDA-approved COVID-19 drug.'  Science does not go easy on the FDA: "Both FDA's decision and the EU deal came about under unusual circumstances that gave the company important advantages... Questions have also arisen about the potential of remdesivir to do harm. WHO has a regular overview of possible adverse drug events related to COVID-19 treatments. In late August it noted a disproportionately high number of reports of liver and kidney problems in patients receiving remdesivir compared with patients receiving other drugs for COVID-19.  

The oddity of choosing this medication, costing $2300-5000/5 vials, suggest corruption and regulatory capture.  But why choose a drug with such a "very very bad look for the FDA"?  It's insulting to common sense to keep using remdesivir after the Science article.  Yet, the FDA persists.page1image559973376

Summary Recommendations

Remdesivir is the only Food and Drug Administration-approved drug for the treatment of COVID-19. In this section, the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) provides recommendations for using antiviral drugs to treat COVID-19 based on the available data. As in the management of any disease, treatment decisions ultimately reside with the patient and their health care provider. For more information on these antiviral agents, see Table 2e.



In the management of contagion, the situation is absurd.  In November 2021 in France, masks are mandatory at all stores.   Bars, however, are crowded, and not one mask in sight.  

Our leaders faked protection of bus drivers and sales personnel with plastic screens.  They did not even lock bus window to stay open; they allowed buses to circulate with closed windows--even in the summer.   

Since the WHO said virus was "not airborne," for months there was no need for masks.  Then, in May 2020, masks became mandatory on Italian and on California beaches.

But they allowed masks with valves for better exhaling our virions into the air, and even "transparent masks" made with a shaped piece of hard plastic.

In the West, we were under orders to go shopping ten miles away, if the nearest store was across the county line.  Those who had a home in the country or in the old village, were forbidden from leaving the city.  We were arrested for sitting in the sun or for running on the beach.  Such rules were absurd, but sure were excellent obedience training, if the purpose had been to train us to accept, believe, and obey ignorant orders.  If you can convince people that walking in the sun at the park or at the beach is dangerous and spreads an illness, you can make them believe anything.  

But there is a condition: no debate is allowed on issues of covid prevention, cure, and vaccination.  Most definitely, no scientists are allowed to present alternatives to the party line.  You risk cancellation if you speak out.



Political leaders belong to the vaccinal cult, and find reality objectionable.  Like all believers, they may be sincerely hurt by the truth.  Politicians' natural stupidity helps of course.  As Italian Senator Alberto Bagnai said: “So, I thought, they cannot be that stupid!  But since I entered politics I have learned to allow stupidity the hegemonic role it plays in human affairs.”

Take Jacinda Ardrens, who said: “We drum in that messaging around the dangers of Covid pretty diligently for a full two-week period of sustained propaganda.”

She also said, "I want to send a clear message to the New Zealand public: we will share with you the most up-to-date information daily. You can trust us as a source of that information. You can also trust the Director-General of Health and the Ministry of Health. For that information, do feel free to visit at any time—to clarify any rumour you may hear—the website. Otherwise, dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth."

The Chinese behaved insanely in December and January, but soon they straightened out and by March had very efficiently wiped out the Wuhan variety of SARS-CoV-2.  Western oligarchies never quit making the wrong moves and imposing the oddest rules.  All their moves seem twisted, yet they are able to collect ever more power.  They keep grabbing all the chips on the gambling table, and getting wealthier, as they do ever more damage.   Now they have started sacrificing children.

How is that different from sacrificing a child to guarantee that the bridge will not collapse, as was customary fifty years ago in parts of India and Pakistan?    Today, these American and European children are sacrificed, not to the Goddess Kali, but to Mammon, for the benefit of Pharma and its billionaires and their allied politicos.  Child sacrifices are organized to guarantee that the oligarchs' bridge to absolute power will not collapse.   

They are not raving mad, they appear calm.  Yet they do not act as normal humans. Is there a method to this madness?.