On December 30, 2019, minutes before midnight, the news came of a new illness spreading in the great city of Wuhan.  The news came not from the government of China, or from the WHO.  A private group of watchers, created to spot emerging illnesses, had uncovered the new enemy, in Chinese medical chat rooms.
By New Year 2020, Dr. Redfield of CDC in Washington was on the phone with Dr. Gao, head of CDC in Peking.  It's said that he broke out in tears; did he have difficulties getting heard by the leadership?  That was what Dr. Redfield himself would have to face soon: the President was totally unaware, and covid remained ignored for a month.
Then the news spread: the new thing was deadly and there was no cure.  In the West, governments behaved as if the intent had been to create panic.  No cure at all!?  Yet, in China they had a cure. 
For the Chinese, Hydroxychloroquine ("HCQ") was not an odd choice--it's a zinc ionophore.  We know that zinc inhibits virus replication and has anti-inflammatory functions; however, it must be made available to be properly used, and that's the function of HCQ.  
It has few negatives, and has been used for 40 years by hundreds of millions of people, against malaria.  "Safe for children, safe during pregnancy."  It was used against SARS and is an obvious first choice to try against any cousin of SARS-CoV-1.  

Current and Future Use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine in Infectious, Immune, Neoplastic, and Neurological Diseases: A Mini-ReviewDomenico Plantone 1Tatiana Koudriavtseva 2.          Abstract:                                        The process of finding new therapeutic indications for currently used drugs, defined as 'repurposing', is receiving growing attention. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, with an original indication to prevent or cure malaria, have been successfully used to treat several infectious (HIV, Q fever, Whipple's disease, fungal infections), rheumatological (systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, Sjögren's syndrome), and other immunological diseases. Indeed, they have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, anti-infective, antithrombotic, and metabolic effects. Among the biological effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, it is important to highlight their antitumoral properties... the well-demonstrated good tolerability of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine make them safe even during pregnancy. 



Hydroxychloroquine, invented in an effort to synthesise cheap anti-malarials to replace expensive quininewas safely prescribed hundreds of millions of times since the sixties.  In early spring, before the President mentioned HCQ, we could still read, on the CDC website, that it "can be prescribed... to children of all ages.  It can be also safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers".   Yet, one day, orders came, and HCQ became dangerous, and every paper in the world warned against mad doctors who prescribed it for Covid-19 patients.
There is a simple explanation for the strange development:  President Trump.  He had mentioned his hope that hydroxychloroquine ("HCQ") could be effective, on March 19.  On March 20, Dr. Anthony Fauci, standing next to the President, expressed doubts.  
At once, The New York Times and The Washington Post attacked HCQ.  Since those two dailies set the tone for public opinion in the West, that was the end of HCQ , as far as the world's media were concerned.    
Emblematic of the HCQ wreck, was the story--perhaps fake--that some poor fool read the ingredients in a product used to clean fishtanks.  Since it contained chloroquine phosphate, he drunk it all up, and died. thus reported: "Last week, a man died in the US after self-medicating with the non-pharmaceutical version of Plaquenil, which has been touted by President Donald Trump as a medical game changer. The wife of the deceased, who also took chloroquine, was admitted to hospital in a critical condition."
The media fraudsters thus preached that HCQ was deadly; within four days of Trump mentioning HCQ, the governor of New York State had effectively banned the use of HCQ against covid.  Soon, under WHO pressure, HCQ was banned throughout the world. 

The bosses at the WHO and at all health ministries in the West, issued clear orders: "Take acetaminophen/paracetamol and do your 'watchful waiting.'  If your lips turn blue, just go to hospital and die or don't die, your choice."  



In January 2020, the Chinese government slept for three weeks.  Then, on January 23,  China acted, with local lockdowns and field hospitals for all positives.  Upon establishing the value of HCQ, China made the announcement: in the West, someone decided to ignore it.

Here is the original story, published on February 17, 2020:

BEIJING, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- Chinese experts, based on the result of clinical trials, have confirmed that Chloroquine Phosphate, an antimalarial drug, has a certain curative effect on the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), a Chinese official said here Monday.

The experts have "unanimously" suggested the drug be included in the next version of the treatment guidelines and applied in wider clinical trials as soon as possible, Sun Yanrong, deputy head of the China National Center for Biotechnology Development under the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), said at a press conference.

Chloroquine Phosphate, which has been used for more than 70 years, was selected from tens of thousands of existing drugs after multiple rounds of screening, Sun said.

According to her, the drug has been under clinical trials in over 10 hospitals in Beijing, as well as in south China's Guangdong Province and central China's Hunan Province, and has shown fairly good efficacy.

In the trials, the groups of patients who had taken the drug have shown better indicators than their parallel groups, in abatement of fever, improvement of CT images of lungs, the percentage of patients who became negative in viral nucleic acid tests and the time they need to do so, she said.

Patients taking the drug also take a shorter time to recover, she added.



In February 2020, good doctors, all over the world, began to exchange observations, in the hope of finding something better than the deadly paracetamol (acetaminophen in the US) which kills 450 people in the US alone every year, and which is certainly responsible for many covid deaths.  For details, see under paracetamol/acetaminophen.

Dr. Didier Raoult publicised the Chinese treatment of covid with HCQ and published a brief study in March 2020.  Since then, his team at the IHU Méditerranée Infection in Marseille cured thousands of covid patients.  Oddly enough, there was a very negative reaction against Dr. Raoult, in French medical industry circles.


Dr. Andrea Mangiagalli started a chat group in February 2020; soon it included 200 Italian doctors.  By exchanging information and comparing notes, they concluded that it was eminently irrational to send patients home with acetaminophen.  However, these doctors had reason to fear persecution, so they shunned publicity, in an environment so repressive that Vitamin D was listed among the fake news by the sublime Italian Minister of Health.  So they kept quiet and  just saved lives.

Dr. Andrea Stramezzi is better known.  Since he is retired, he was able to travel to No Paura meetings.  In the dark days of 2020 he returned to work in hospitals as a volunteer.  He figures that he cured 700 patients.  I heard him speak, and I think he said he did not lose any patients that he treated at home.  

Viruses operate best at our normal temperature; fever is one of our immune system's weapons against illness.  Acetaminophen lowers the fever, and thus weakens our response to the virus.  Without the fever, the patient feels good and can go to work and spread the infection.  Acetaminophen helps the virus to progress into the lungs and pleases the patient, who feels better without fever, even as the virus advances--it's the perfect placebo.  That's Latin for "I shall please."   



Soon, American doctors found themselves in similar catastrophic situation as Italian doctors, ordered by ministers of health to stand by and watch their patients as they got worse, got hospitalised, and died.  Even worse, many patients were able to leave  hospital and go home cured,  yet permanently disabled by Long Covid.  

The group Frontline Doctors was created; because of US politics, they were very noticeable, and were marked as enemies in the media, individually targeted with cancellation and firing.  They were object of ad hominem attacks in the media--except for right-wing media and some local media, since it's difficult for local papers to attack a local doctor who cured hundreds or thousands of local patients, without hospitalizations and deaths.

How to manage a situation in which patients are testifying to the success of HCQ doctors?  First you ignore them; if that fails, you must resort to misrepresentation of facts and to censorship.

Dr. Brian Tyson and Dr. George Fareed, by November 1, 2020, had treated 1900 patients at their two clinics, without losing any.  In April 2020, Dr. Tyson had been ordered to quit prescribing HCQ to save it for "those who really needed it."  He persisted.  In October, he joined the Frontline Doctors speaking in front of the U:S. Supreme Court building.  His impressive presentation was censored and disappeared from YouTube.

Dr. Tyson and Dr. Fareed added ivermectin to their HCQ, azithromycin or doxycycline and zinc protocol.  Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has also added ivermectin to his protocol; he practiced in a Hasidic village, 80 km from Manhattan,  and stood accused of writing about HCQ to  President Trump.  Some locals published an anonymous open letter accusing him of bringing unwelcome attention to the Hasididic neighbourhood: he used to have 50 patients a day, and now he had 250.   That meant notoriety, and ignorant/fearful folks try not to be noticed and make waves.. 

Dr. Zelenko's success made of him a major problem for Governor Cuomo, who immediately  signed an order to forbid the sale of HCQ in New York State.  Very thoughtful of the good Governor.




COVID-19 outpatients: early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study 

The aim of this study was to describe the outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the outpatient setting after early treatment with zinc, low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin (triple therapy) dependent on risk stratification. This was a retrospective case series study in the general practice setting. A total of 141 COVID-19 patients with laboratory-confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in the year 2020 were included. The main outcome measures were risk-stratified treatment decision and rates of hospitalisation and all-cause death. A median of 4 days [interquartile range (IQR) 3-6 days; available for n = 66/141 patients] after the onset of symptoms, 141 patients (median age 58 years, IQR 40-67 years; 73.0% male) received a prescription for triple therapy for 5 days. Independent public reference data from 377 confirmed COVID-19 patients in the same community were used as untreated controls. Of 141 treated patients, 4 (2.8%) were hospitalised, which was significantly fewer (P < 0.001) compared with 58 (15.4%) of 377 untreated patients [odds ratio (OR) = 0.16, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.06-0.5]. One patient (0.7%) in the treatment group died versus 13 patients (3.4%) in the untreated group (OR = 0.2, 95% CI 0.03-1.5; P = 0.12). No cardiac side effects were observed. Risk stratification-based treatment of COVID-19 outpatients as early as possible after symptom onset using triple therapy, including the combination of zinc with low-dose hydroxychloroquine, was associated with significantly fewer hospitalisations. 



The problem is that leaders in politics, bureaucracy, scientific organisations, and medical societies have tied the cart of their own future wealth and success to that of their corporate friends; billionaires can offer good easy jobs, they can do favours.

In the case of the Covid-19 vaccines, corporations have been paid billions for their vaccines.  No "rinky-dink" cheap medication that costs pennies can be allowed to spoil the dreams of wealth and power of so many Big Pharma executives, present and future.  It is normal for bureaucrats to retire into Big Pharma positions.


Here above, is the famous fake study, which Big Pharma used to block the use of HCQ in the US and the entire world. 

HCQ works pretty good in the first few days of the illness, at the time when they want us all terrified, in watchful waiting.   HCQ alone does not help hospitalised patients, whose illness is no longer in the viral phase.  It's in the viral phase, that HCQ can combat  the virus; but when patients are in the pulmonary phase,  in the inflammatory phase, HCQ is much less effective.  

Thus, pretending to comply with Trump's orders to put HCQ to the test,, Dr. Fauci allowed HCQ trials,  with the trick that they were reserved for hospitalised patients.  It would appear that no one told the President about the vile trick being played on him and on Americans and on the world.



By forcing HCQ on pneumonia patients, they were able to create a new reality.  What was normally advised even for children and pregnant women, became a deadly drugs.  By the trick of giving HCQ to very ill people, it was now implicated in hundreds of deaths.                         

June 13, 2021

Hydroxychloroquine, sold under the brand name Plaquenil among others, is a medication used to prevent and treat malaria in areas where malaria remains sensitive to chloroquine. Other uses include treatment of rheumatoid arthritislupus, and porphyria cutanea tarda. It is taken by mouth, often in the form of hydroxychloroquine sulfate.[2]

Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955.[2] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[5] In 2018, it was the 129th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than 5 million prescriptions.[6][7]

Hydroxychloroquine has been studied for an ability to prevent and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19), but clinical trials found it ineffective for this purpose and a possible risk of dangerous side effects.


[8] The speculative use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID‑19 threatens its availability for people with established indications.[9]








So we have a drug that has been extensively used, by hundreds of millions, freely distributed in malaria areas; the CDC was advising it was safe for children and pregnant women, as you can see above.

Then, on March 19 2020, President Trump mentions it, and bureaucrats at the FDA and CDC are suddenly overcome by fear of "possible risk of dangerous side effects."  

Standing next to the President, Dr.  Fauci dismisses HCQ  as "anecdotal".   Oddly, he was allowed to remain as spokesman at the While House.  

That's how HCQ became a trumpist med, attacked by The New York Times and forbidden by Governor Cuomo in four days, on March 23.  

Media, bureaucracy, and politicians launched a campaign of falsification and threats, against the dissident doctors who dared to try to save their patients, against a cult that demands commitment to suicide from its weaker elements.

Thus we have today the odd reality of the fact that members of congress ask FLCCC for ivermectin but do not dare to speak out in favour of ivermectin, lest they be cancelled.






Opponents of Trump loudly pretended burning concern that there would be shortages for patients who needed it.   Actually, a specialist welcomed the attention on HCQ, since her patients were all too often remiss in taking HCQ prescribed by her.                                                                                  

As if HCQ were not simple  and cheap to manufacture.                                                              

As if there had been no HCQ in the Strategic National Stockpile.                                  

As if the folks falling sick with covid did not need to be saved as well.  Indeed, the profiteers did not want them saved.  They wanted more deaths, so that greater would be the fear. 

Around the world, millions were saved by the dissidents who dared to treat their patients, when governments issued orders not to cure anyone.  Some dissidents, like Dr. Raoult, or Dr. Zelenko, or Dr. Tyson publicised their work.  Some suffered threats, persecution, and firing.  Others treated their patients quietly.                           






Overdoses of hydroxychloroquine are extremely rare, but extremely toxic.[9] Eight people are known to have overdosed since the drug's introduction in the mid-1950s, of which three have died.[20][21] Chloroquine has a risk of death in overdose in adults of about 20%, while hydroxychloroquine is estimated to be two or threefold less toxic.[22





Like everything else they write here about covid, calling HCQ "extremely toxic" seems odd.  Since 1955, it has killed three people--apparently, suicides.  Acetaminophen (a.k.a. paracetamol, brand name Tylenol) kills 450 every year in the U.S. alone.  Kids die/remain damaged when parents make a minor dosing error.  For HCQ to be dangerous, you need to make a very intentional error.

The writer of this paragraph seems to be uninformed of the basics needed before writing about science.  What can be the meaning of the phrase "a risk of death in overdose in adults of about 20%"?  That only 20% die of chloroquine poisoning, no matter how many pills they take?

5 million prescriptions/year in the US, has been used by hundreds of millions against malaria. 

Until March 19, 2020, it was deemed safe enough as to be given to children or pregnant women if they traveled to malaria areas.  On March 20, 2020, when Dr. Fauci contradicted his boss on TV,  The New York Times decreed that HCQ was a dangerous drug, and so it was. 

Oddly enough, Trump never dared to fire his chief medical advisor.  




Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are anti-malarial medications also used against some auto-immune diseases.[1] Chloroquine, along with hydroxychloroquine, was an early failed experimental treatment for COVID-19.[2] They are not effective for preventing infection.[3][4][5][6][7]

Several countries initially used chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine for treatment of persons hospitalized with COVID‑19 (as of March 2020), though the drug was not formally approved through clinical trials.[8][9] From April to June 2020, there was an emergency use authorization for their use in the United States,[10] and was used off label for potential treatment of the disease.[11] On 24 April 2020, citing the risk of "serious heart rhythm problems", the FDA posted a caution against using the drug for COVID‑19 "outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial".[12]

Their use was withdrawn as a possible treatment for COVID‑19 infection when it proved to have no benefit for hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19 illness in the international Solidarity trial and UK RECOVERY Trial.[13][14] On 15 June, the FDA revoked its emergency use authorization, stating that it was "no longer reasonable to believe" that the drug was effective against COVID-19 or that its benefits outweighed "known and potential risks".[15][16][17] In fall of 2020, the National Institutes of Health issued treatment guidelines recommending against the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 except as part of a clinical trial.[1







HCQ was the drug chosen by dissident doctors who rejected the government-ordered "watchful waiting."   Covid patients are told to go home to infect their families and to take paracetamol/acetaminophen to lower the fever.  Lowering the fever, of course, strengthens the virus, to enable it to take over the lungs.  It also allows people to go out and infect others.

The doctors who cure covid tend to see the watchful waiting strategy as a sacrifice to the deities of the vaccine cult.  While thousands of heroic dissident doctors, saved thousands of patient, Wikipedia editors describe their successes as "an early failed experimental treatment." 



The explanation is clear and simple: President Trump heard of HCQ, and he tweeted something stupid about it, and the decision was made to kill HCQ to harm Trump.  European politicians, media, and bureaucrats, did not want any cure either, they wanted to be part of a glorious and profitable vaccinal cavalry charge against the virus.  

When Covid-19 arrived, doctors started using HCQ, in China, Korea, France, Italy, and then in the US.  it was not an odd choice for doctors to develop Covid-19 protocols using HCQ, as it had been used in 2003, during the SARS epidemic, against the SARS-CoV virus, and it was used China in 2020

In the U.S., a country doctor, Vladimir Zelenko, who for almost 20 years had a practice dedicated to the Kyrias Joel Hasidic community, 80 kilometres north of NYC, began to treat hundreds of patients with HCQ.  He even made a video about it, and sent it to Trump.   At once, HCQ became an election issue, and the media and medical/pharma interests went into action to sabotage HCQ.  

Here is what The New York Times had to say: "What happened next is a modern pandemic parable that illustrates how the coronavirus is colliding with our fragile information ecosystem: a jumble of facts, falsehoods and viral rumors patched together from Twitter threads and shards of online news, amplified by armchair experts and professional partisans and pumped through the warp-speed accelerator of social media.  Dr. Zelenko’s treatment arrived at a useful moment for Mr. Trump and his media supporters, who have at times appeared more interested in discussing miracle cures than testing delays or ventilator shortages."  

The press showed absolutely no interest in checking the results that Dr. Zelenko had obtained or to speak to his patients and make sure he was not exaggerating   The fact that Dr. Zelenko had cured all his patients was of no interest to the Times or to any of the legacy media; what they were concerned about was the election and the vaccine business.  Dr. Zelenko was an enemy: he tried to help Trump and was bad for business.   He cured with dollar medicines that could be produced for a penny each.  His whole approach was considered to be anti-business.

The Times continued the attacks on HCQ, under the following titles: "With Minimal Evidence, Trump Asks F.D.A. to Study Malaria Drugs for Coronavirus" and  Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies Science".  The Times attacked the off-label use of HCQ ($20) but supported "compassionate" use of Remdesivir ($2,000), whining about future shortfall of HCQ to supply patients "who really needed the drug."  That was an eminently false argument, since the U.S. government keeps a strategic reserve of HCQ, which is cheap and easy to manufacture. 

Dr. Zelenko presented evidence he treated hundreds of patients with early Covid-19 symptoms with 100% success.  There was no interest, and the media were positive about not wanting to hear about it.  Instead, in New York State, HCQ was banned from being sold in pharmacies unless prescribed for malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.  

"The Federal Drug Administration has only approved it for treatment of COVID-19 in advanced cases of the virus and by the time patients have to rely on ventilators.

The objective was to prove that HCQ was bad, since HCQ is effective in the first few days of the illness.  After pneumonia sets in, HCQ is useless.   The FDA's intent was to kill any covid prevention or cure.  The common understanding was that they  needed covid for the November election.  

They did not need to get together and conspire to come to that conclusion, just as there had been no great media conclave when the order came to invade Iraq and print fabricated evidence about "arms of mass destruction."

I was obvious that Trump didn't have the vaguest understanding of medical issues, yet he would tweet his medical ideas.  Thus his advisors did not allow him to pick someone like Dr. Zelenko to advise him, and he kept Dr. Fauci to poison his management of the pandemic

Governor Cuomo of NY and the Times organized veritable two-minute hates against HCQ.--see under the heading two-minute hate.

 Screenshot 2021-04-28 at 17.41.55.png

Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine

There were claims that chloroquine was used to cure more than 12,000 COVID-19 patients in Nigeria.[399].







Wikipedia psyops were tasked with associating HCQ and President Trump with magic and irrational-anti-science thinking. Easy job, and here is how the psyops did it.

The traditional home range of magic and witchcraft is Africa, of course.  In the Central African Republic, witchcraft is so well recognised, that it's punishable by law, and jails are full of witches, who may plead guilty just to be protected by the law, in jail.  Better jailed than lynched.

Trying to dissociate HCQ from medical use and to connect it with magic, Wikipsyops thought of connecting HCQ to Africa . They found an article in The Nigerian Tribune dated February 20, 2020, under the title Chloroquine found effective against Coronavirus, cures 12,552 patients in China. 

It cited, with a bit of imagination, a Xinhua article in date February 17: "Chinese experts, based on the result of clinical trials, have confirmed that Chloroquine Phosphate, an antimalarial drug, has a certain curative effect on... COVID-19."

HCQ use against Covid-19 had not been invented by a Nigerian rumour mill publication.  The Nigerian Tribune added the non unrealistic detail of 12,552 patients, while Wikipedia invented the fantastic transfer to Africa of the chloroquine curative event. 

The Nigerian Tribune article was sound and reasonable, and added a probably true detail.  Wikipsyops misquoted and  fantasized, because they had orders to kill the medication.


On 11 March 2020, Adrian Bye, a tech startup leader who is not a doctor, suggested to cryptocurrency investors Gregory Rigano and James Todaro that "chloroquine will keep most people out of hospital". (Bye later admitted that he had reached this conclusion through "philosophy" rather than medical research.) Two days later, Rigano and Todaro promoted chloroquine in a self-published article that claimed affiliation with the Stanford University School of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences and the Birmingham School of Medicine – the three institutions mentioned that they had no links to the article, and Google removed the article for violating its terms of service.[413]


Next, the Wikpsyops were ordered to find something trivial, odd, and silly about HCQ.

So they searched US media and found, in Huffpost, an electoral campaign gif, followed by three pages of insults under the title The Strange Origins Of Trump’s Hydroxychloroquine Obsession  How a “philosopher” who tweets anti-Semitism, two bitcoin bros and right-wing media helped put an idea in the president’s head.  

The article consisted of insults against all those who had ever mentioned HCQ, presenting them as unstable crooked lying trumpists devoid of any relation to medicine or science.

The entire US media, in March 2020, was tasked with blocking the use of HCQ, associating it with rumor, error, and fantasy, while even Fox ignored the basic fact that HCQ was the medication in use in China.  

This was happening after China had beaten the plague.  The field hospitals had been all closed at the beginning of March, there had never been a national lockdown in China, nor in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Thailand.  

In those countries, the streets, markets, and subways were full, all was normal, while, in the West, we hunkering down in fear, forbidden to plant seeds or to repair any broken window, locked down, under continuous bombardment of fake news, including mention of "less severe lockdowns" in East Asia. 


Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine during the COVID-19 pandemic

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.           October 29, 2021

WHO trial[edit]

Due to safety concerns and evidence of heart arrhythmias leading to higher death rates, the WHO suspended the hydroxychloroquine arm of the multinational Solidarity trial in May 2020.[59][60][61] The WHO had enrolled 3,500 patients from 17 countries in the Solidarity trial.[59] The research surrounding this suspension, provided by a company called Surgisphere based in Chicago, came into question due to errors in the underlying data set.[62][63][64] The authors of the study corrected errors in the data later but initially remained firm on their conclusions.[62] Subsequently, a retraction of the study by three of its authors was published by The Lancet on 4 June, 2020.[65] The authors stated that their reason behind the retraction was because Surgisphere had failed to cooperate with an independent review of the data used for the study by not allowing any such review to take place.[66][67]

The WHO decided to resume the trial on 3 June, after reviewing the safety concerns which had been raised. Speaking at a press briefing, WHO's director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated that the board had reviewed the available mortality data and had found "no reasons to modify the trial".[68][69]







On May 22, 2020, The Lancet published a study based on HCQ trials in many countries.   

Our large-scale, international, real-world analysis supports the absence of a clinical benefit of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine and points to potential harm in hospitalised patients with COVID-19.  Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are associated with concerns of cardiovascular toxicity...

We were unable to confirm a benefit of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, when used alone or with a macrolide, on in-hospital outcomes for COVID-19.  Each of these drug regimens was associated with decreased in-hospital survival and an increased frequency of ventricular arrhythmias when used for treatment of COVID-19.

That caused the WHO to halt trials of HCQ on May 25.  However, some doctors were familiar with sloppy record-keeping customary in certain third world countries and expressed doubts: the perfect score taking was so unrealistic as to raise suspicions.  When the other authors demanded access to the raw data,  the author who had collected the data explained that two hospitals in different continents had been confused.

However, 201 scientists signed a complaint to the effect that that there were numerous serious inconsistencies, such as reporting more deaths in the Australian hospitals covered by the study than were counted in all hospitals in Australia.  At that point, by June 4 2020, it was clear that the data had been made up, and The Lancet retracted the study.

The Lancet is the major medical journal in the UK.  The New England Journal of Medicine is a major medical journal in the the US.  It's not easy to get published in either journal.  However, a doctor who is also a science fiction writer, managed to get two articles published in those two journals the same month.  One was about HCQ, the other was about ivermectin.  Both were based on fake data.

Thus some clever people were able to kill both medications effective on covid.  They were also able to kill Trump's election campaign.  Details on the brilliant operation under the heading A plot, or drunk jerks stumbling about?









 On 4 July, the WHO discontinued the hydroxychloroquine trial based on evidence presented at the July WHO Summit on COVID-19 research and innovation. The WHO stated that "These interim trial results show that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir produce little or no reduction in the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients when compared to standard of care."[77]


 The WHO did conclude that there was no point in continuing to bother very sick people with a medication that was useless.

Note [77]

These interim trial results show that hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir produce little or no reduction in the mortality of hospitalized COVID-19 patients when compared to standard of care. Solidarity trial investigators will interrupt the trials with immediate effect. 

For each of the drugs, the interim results do not provide solid evidence of increased mortality. There were, however, some associated safety signals in the clinical laboratory findings of the add-on Discovery trial, a participant in the Solidarity trial. These will also be reported in the peer-reviewed publication. 

This decision applies only to the conduct of the Solidarity trial in hospitalized patients and does not affect the possible evaluation in other studies of hydroxychloroquine or lopinavir/ritonavir in non-hospitalized patients or as pre- or post-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19. The interim Solidarity results are now being readied for peer-reviewed publication.


However, they concluded that HCQ was not harming the patients, thus denying the "possible risk of dangerous side effects" claimed above by Wikipedia. 

Wikieditors succeeded here in hiding the WHO conclusions: HCQ was harmless, even to very weak and sick people.  Most important,  medications that are very effective in the early days of an illness become useless in later days.  That is exactly what the WHO press release was trying to communicate, and which Wikieditors managed to obfuscate.