In May 2020, we have observed a conspiracy to turn the most important medical journals, such as The New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet into political campaign propaganda and into effective fake news media.  See under the heading Hydroxychloroquine, chapter TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE: KILLING A CAMPAIGN AND A CURE.



We have seen a worldwide campaign to pressure governments and medical groups into banning every effective and cheap form of treatment of Covid-19.  This reached levels of high ridicule in the Italian Mnistry of Health's campaign against vitamin D


or in the Indian Ministry of Health general attack on all inexpensive treatments.  At the time, the only allowed treatment that remained was the deadly and very expensive Remdesivir.  Indian doctors, fortunately, reacted with contempt to the decision.


We have seen arrest and persecution of doctors who dare to cure their covid patients with legal medications.  We have seen a censorship and cancellation program to hide deaths and catastrophic illnesses appearing after vaccination.

All this has turned any hesitation into committed opposition to the vaccination program.



Self-evidently present and deadly, instead, is reporting hesitancy, by which doctors hesitate to report vaccine damaging effects. That is most evident among old and poor folks, who are less likely to have the knowledge or abilities necessary to report.  Requesting doctors to waste half an hour to fill a complicated questionnaire shows intent, on the part of the government, to discourage reporting.  All that's essential are a dozen items; the problem could be solved today, with a presidential decree, but there is no interest in receiving complete reports.

Refusing to make reporting mandatory and simple shows intent to obfuscate the seriousness of vaccine side effects.



Only malevolence can explain the rabid reaction of health ministers, WHO, and the media, to every proposed protocol of prevention and cure of Covid-19.  The fact that efforts went into sabotaging the early treatment with fraudulent trials, clearly intended to fail, shows the reality of the conspiracy.  See details under hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and vitamin D.



Dr. Peter McCullough has more than 600 publications on his name.  After having accepted and announced publication of a paper of his, the publisher withdrew it.  

The same thing happened last in January 2021.  I cite from an article in Trial Site News: 

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) recently presented their meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials involving Ivermectin as a treatment option for COVID-19 to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel. A few weeks prior, this same group of physicians/researchers presented a similar themes presentation to the U.S. Senate. With a growing number of ivermectin-focused randomized controlled trials around the world, public research agencies’ interest has perked up. Despite vaccines now authorized under emergency use, early onset treatment options are still necessary. The U.S. government continues to pour money into expensive novel monoclonal antibody development recently placing $486 million to develop novel COVID-19 therapies—clearly the need is present, and imminent, with such amounts of money involved. Now the peer-reviewed Frontiers in Pharmacology has published an important manuscript authored by FLCCC members Dr. Kory and Dr. Paul Marik as well as a group of esteemed colleagues from the United States and Europe reporting on emerging case evidence for ivermectin.

That was slightly premature.  The editor at Frontiers got a call; an offer ws made that the poor editor was not in the position of refusing, and the article, whose summary had already been published, was cancelled.  A special issue was also cancelled,  as its external editors resigned.  Basically, we have press controls without press censorship.  If you do not follow the government secret guidelines, there will be problems.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
 Vaccine hesitancy is a delay in acceptance, or refusal of vaccines despite the availability of vaccine services. Vaccine hesitancy is complex and context-specific, varying across time, place and vaccines.[1] It is influenced by factors such as complacency, convenience, a fear of needles, or a lack of understanding about how vaccines work.[2] The term covers outright refusals to vaccinate, delaying vaccines, accepting vaccines but remaining uncertain about their use, or using certain vaccines but not others.[2][3] Among the hesitant are groups known as "anti-vaxxers" or "anti-vax", who are generally against vaccination.[4]The 
There is an overwhelming scientific consensus that vaccines are generally safe and effective.[5][6][7][8] Vaccine hesitancy often results in disease outbreaks and deaths from vaccine-preventable diseases.[9][10][11][12][13][14] Therefore, the World Health Organization characterizes vaccine hesitancy as one of the top ten global health threats.[15][16]

The reckless behaviour of the leadership of the WHO and of all world leaders and of all their health ministers, in 2020, was a major cause of vaccine hesitancy.  Their errors and crimes were too obvious. 

The same is happening to Wikipedia.  

They know it, at the WHO, that the incredulous are "one of the top ten global health threats."  They need infantile credulity, where the children are not allowed to hear dissent, so that dissent may be unthinkable.  Thus censorship has been imposed, and there is not one daily paper, or a weekly established magazine in the US, the UK, and France, where we may find honest realistic reports about covid-19 and vaccines. 

At the same time, all legacy media, in print or electronic, are under the control of the oligarchy.

Financial motives

Alternative medicine proponents gain from promoting vaccine conspiracy theories through the sale of ineffective and expensive medications, supplements, and procedures such as chelation therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, sold as able to cure the 'damage' caused by vaccines.[301] Homeopaths in particular gain through the promotion of water injections or 'nosodes' that they allege have a 'natural' vaccine-like effect.[302] Additional bodies with a vested interest in promoting the "unsafeness" of vaccines may include lawyers and legal groups organizing court cases and class action lawsuits against vaccine providers.



This article correctly ascribes financial motives to proponents of certain procedures or supplements.  It ought to be easy to recognise that everyone who sells something wants to make a living, wants to make some money. However, to impune corrupt financial motives without examining the results of the medication is dishonest.  

Those who sell ivermectin may make good profits, but only because of the oligarchy's criminal design to prohibit any medication that works.

If the Covid-19 vaccines had been safe and effective, there would be no need for censorship.  Even though the vaccines were unnecessary, when there were effective medications, most dissidents would have accepted reality and would have complied.  We would not mind the wealth of the vaccine billionaires, if their vaccines were safe and effective.  They are neither, and that's what makes it clear that we are facing a sanitary mafia that uses force to impose their protection upon us..



Conversely, alternative medicine providers have accused the vaccine industry of misrepresenting the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, covering up and suppressing information, and influencing health policy decisions for financial gain.[11] In the late 20th century, vaccines were a product with low profit margins,[303] and the number of companies involved in vaccine manufacture declined. In addition to low profits and liability risks, manufacturers complained about low prices paid for vaccines by the CDC and other US government agencies.[304] In the early 21st century, the vaccine market greatly improved with the approval of the vaccine Prevnar, along with a small number of other high-priced blockbuster vaccines, such as Gardasil and Pediarix, which each had sales revenues of over $1 billion in 2008.[303] Despite high growth rates, vaccines represent a relatively small portion of overall pharmaceutical profits. As recently as 2010, the World Health Organization estimated vaccines to represent 2–3% of total sales for the pharmaceutical industry.[305]


It's silly for Wikieditors to claim low profits from vaccines, in 2021.  Nine new billionaires prove it.

Parties opposed to the use of vaccines frequently refer to data obtained from the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). This is a database of reports of issues associated with vaccines which has been useful for investigation, but since any claim can be entered into the VAERS, its data is not all reliable. Dubious claims about vaccines against hepatitis B, HPV and other diseases have been propagated based on misuse of data from VAERS.[315]


Once again, Wikieditors present this sad excuse for ignoring VAERS. 

The problem is that VAERS data are intentionally unreliable

Any claim can be entered: the implication here is that the reports may be either imaginary or deceptive or easy to twist, to make the vaccine appear dangerous. 

Google VAERS, and you get pages of vaccineers' complaints: "VAERS is inaccurate,  VAERS is misused, inaccurate images from VAERS, no proof from VAERS, VAERS is being twisted, VAERS spreads fear, VAERS not verified, VAERS misrepresents..."


A solution is ready: the President signs an executive order, requiring a weekly report to CDC from every emergency room and from every doctor's office.  It would note record, besides name of doctor and date, the patient's initials, sex, age, date of vaccination, brand of vaccine. serial number, complaint, date of the start of symptoms. Current VAERS form has 30+ boxes to fill, with irrelevant data.  To fill it is complicated, it takes time to fill, 45' for a smart person interviewed by Dr. John Campbell.

Reporting could be made mandatory and simple.  No waste of time for doctors, and CDC would be able to see country-wide results of vaccination.  It could be started immediately, with a form that each medical office could email every week

If they have not asked the President to sign such a regulatory order, it means that neither government nor industry want to know the side effects of vaccinations.  They know that doing this would multiply the number of victims and kill the vaccine program.  They do not want to know the true level of this catastrophe.

Just as OSHA prefers not to know:

In a dramatic shift in its enforcement position with respect to the recordability of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on May 21, 2021, published a new Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) establishing that employers do not need to record adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines on their OSHA 300 Logs, at least through May of 2022.  The enforcement position applies regardless of whether an employer requires, recommends, or incentivizes employees to receive the vaccine.