Treatment and management of COVID-19

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. September 8, 2021

There is no specific, effective treatment or cure for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.[1][needs update][2] One year into the pandemic, highly effective vaccines have now been introduced and are beginning to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2; however, for those awaiting vaccination, as well as for the estimated millions of immunocompromised persons who are unlikely to respond robustly to vaccination, treatment remain important.[3] 

Thus, the lack of progress developing effective treatments means that the cornerstone of management of COVID-19 has been supportive care, which includes treatment to relieve symptomsfluid therapyoxygen support and prone positioning as needed, and medications or devices to support other affected vital organs.[4][5][6]

Most cases of COVID-19 are mild. In these, supportive care includes medication such as paracetamol or NSAIDs to relieve symptoms (fever, body aches, cough), proper intake of fluids, rest, and nasal breathing.[7][2][8][9] Good personal hygiene and a healthy diet are also recommended.[10] The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that those who suspect they are carrying the virus isolate themselves at home and wear a face mask.[11]




This here, to the left, is what a malevolent system moved by murderous greed offers to all.  I accept that our Leaders are there, in the seats of power, to create billionaires who will finance their election campaigns and who will do them favours.  Eventually, when they quit politics, our Leaders will be offered sinecures on their board of directors.

I recognise that the politicians owe nothing to us dissidents.  But what about the obedient masses?  All those poor unfortunates who have been seen driving in their cars, all masked up.  All the old ladies who still wear masks on the street.  What of those who masked up at the beach? They took two shots, they voted correctly, they have no bad thoughts, will they get some vitamin DC, some zinc, nigella, quercetin, now that they have made the oligarchs so rich?  

No, the oligarchs are not satisfied.  It's obvious that the vaccine is not working, it's obvious that more and more are sickened by the vaccine, the charade cannot last forever.  The masters control everything, and they are sure that the peasants will continue to line up, forever, every six months, every three months, forever, even though more and more of their number are getting really sick or even die.


What official medicine in the West offers us in November 2021, is exactly what it offered in March 2020: paracetamol (acetaminophen).  To allow patients to feel better and to infect family and friends?  Acetaminophen easily becomes toxic, with a few drinks; it kills more than 450 people each year, in the United States alone.  Moreover, by lowering fever, it weakens our immune system resistance to a virus.  Fever occurs as a mechanism that weakens the virus and strengthens the immune system. 

In China, in February 2020, chloroquine and then hydroxychloroquine ("HCQ"), together with traditional herbal remedies, were successfully used.  Treatment and management of the illness worked quite well; by March 9, they were able to close down all field hospitals in Wuhan.  In China, they were able to crush the Wuhan strain of covid using HCQ, herbs, masks, and field hospitals. 

Fangcang shelter hospitals are a novel public health concept. They were implemented for the first time in China in February, 2020, to tackle the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. The Fangcang shelter hospitals in China were large-scale, temporary hospitals, rapidly built by converting existing public venues, such as stadiums and exhibition centres, into health-care facilities. They served to isolate patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 from their families and communities, while providing medical care, disease monitoring, food, shelter, and social activities. We document the development of Fangcang shelter hospitals during the COVID-19 outbreak in China and explain their three key characteristics (rapid construction, massive scale, and low cost) and five essential functions (isolation, triage, basic medical care, frequent monitoring and rapid referral, and essential living and social engagement). Fangcang shelter hospitals could be powerful components of national responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as future epidemics and public health emergencies.

In the West, perversely, we rejected every proven method used in China, except for lockdowns, for which our Dear Leaders, seem to have great affinity. In China, lockdowns were local, or even involved individual buildings, where food was delivered to each family.   In the West, lockdowns are imposed nation-wide and scheduled in such an absurd manner, as to guarantee a low-level epidemic through the summer and a relapse in the fall.  

In the West, masks were rejected until April 2020, and then were absurdly imposed outdoors, even at the beach.  In the spring 2020, in California, people were arrested for swimming in the ocean.


Several experimental treatments are being actively studied in clinical trials.[1] Others were thought to be promising early in the pandemic, such as hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir, but later research found them to be ineffective or even harmful.[1][19][20] Despite ongoing research, there is still not enough high-quality evidence to recommend so-called early treatment.[19][20] Nevertheless, in the United States, two monoclonal antibody-based therapies are available for early use in cases thought to be at high risk of progression to severe disease.[20] The antiviral remdesivir is available in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and several other countries, with varying restrictions; however, it is not recommended for people needing mechanical ventilation, and is discouraged altogether by the World Health Organization (WHO),[21] due to limited evidence of its efficacy.[1]


Repeating false information about effective medications does not make them ineffective.

Aside from getting the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent infection or severe illness, MSDH has urged Mississippians who do test positive to immediately speak with their health-care providers about getting monoclonal antibody antibody infusion treatments. Studies have found that the infusions can prevent as many as 70% of mild cases of COVID-19 from escalating into severe illnesses that result in death or require hospitalization.

The fraudsters know monoclonal a's are not available to most people, they know that 99% of ivermectin patients do not get severe illness. It's shameful for the authorities to misinform and create panic with false warnings, while they deny proven methods.  But they have no shame

Wikipedia editors feel it's better not to mention vitamin C and D.  Don't they know that most people who die of covid had low vitamin D levels? And that vitamin D and C supplementation, with zinc, quercetin, NAC, elderberries, nigella, prevents viral diseases?

They are not allowed to know, their vaccinal cult requires commitment to ignore unpleasant reality.