In December 2020, videos appeared on YouTube, made by folks who had suffered bad reactions to the covid vaccine.  Those were hospital workers, and they were promptly cancelled.  The fact checking guys airily rejected the cries of help of the poor ladies, and they disappeared.  

Since March, people have been wondering about the remarkable clusters of deaths following vaccination.  What could explain the sudden deaths, and the hundreds of thousands of reports from VAERS? There was no explanation coming from anyone, and the media, led by the debunker sites, used the oddity of the vaccine victims illnesses to cancel and then deny the entire story. 

Politicians, media, social media platforms, and health agencies tell us that vaccination hesitancy is caused by gossip in social media and by loose lips on the faces of irresponsible/mentally unstable/ schizophrenic doctors.  Loose talk created the feared infodemic, which the good guys from TNI (Trusted News Initiative is a world-wide censorship organization--see "censorship") are heroically trying to control.

Here below we shall list the warnings that came from MDs and scientists; they were ignored.  The only response was the choral repetition of the mantra: "safe and effective, safe and effective, safe..."  No doubt, that gave comfort, as long as the TNI censors managed to rapidly suppress all mention of vaccinees, paralyzed or shaking uncontrollably or having seizures.

Below, we present a March 31, 2021 article in Circulation Research.  It gave momentary pause to worried readers.  Then came reassurances that in this case nothing bad would happen.  Words of comfort are sufficient for the TNI boys, but are not appropriate answer to questions posited by scientists.

Scientists had predicted negative results.    Some vaccinated people had symptoms similar to Covid-19 symptoms.  

Scientists proposed the hypothesis that the spike protein causes the symptoms.  The only answer came as a censorship effort, enacted by TNI.







Spike protein

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.    August 12, 2021
Spike proteins, also known as peplomers (Greek: peplos 'robe', '[woman's] dress' + meros 'part'), are the knoblike structures generally composed of glycoproteins, projecting from the lipid bilayer of the surface of an enveloped virus. Peplomers play important roles in the infection process; they are responsible for the attachment of the virus particle or virion to receptor sites on the host cell's surface, and bringing about the release of the nucleocapsid containing the virus's genetic material into the host cell's cytoplasm by triggering fusion between the envelope and host membranes. They may have hemagglutinating activity or have enzyme activity such as neuraminidase. They are surface antigens.[2][3][4][5]




This is what we need Wikipedia for, serious, reliable, legible information.

This is why we come here every day.

For reliable data.  Unfortunately, the leadership of Wikipedia has decided to add a new task: the delivery of comfort and pleasant fables fabricated by Minitrue agencies to keep the natives calm. 



Society and culture[edit]

During the COVID-19 pandemicanti-vaccination misinformation circulated on based social media platforms saying that spike proteins were dangerously "cytotoxic" and that mRNA vaccines containing them were therefore in themselves dangerous.[9][10]


Since December, all warnings over the spike protein were ignored

On December 9, 2020, Dr. J. Patrick Whelan wrote to the FDA that the covid vaccines "have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that does not currently appear to be assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs...

On January 11, 2021, Suzuki and Gychka warned that "it is important to be aware that the spike protein produced by the new COVID-19 vaccines may also affect the host cells. 

On March 31, 2021, Circulation Research published a study by Lei et al.  It reports that "We administered a pseudovirus expressing S protein (Pseu-Spike) to Syrian hamsters... Lung damage was apparent in animals receiving Pseu-Spike ...our data reveals that S protein alone can damage endothelium.                                                                             

Details on above studies at                                     


COVID-19 misinformation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spike protein cytotoxicity

In 2021, anti-vaccination misinformation circulated on social media saying that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins were "very dangerous" and "cytotoxic". At that time, all COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use either contained mRNA or mRNA precursors for the production of spike protein. 


On March 31, 2021, Circulation Research published a study under the title SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2.                   

On April 1, the Salk Institute issued a comment:                                                                   The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness...Previous studies have shown a similar effect when cells were exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but this is the first study to show that the damage occurs when cells are exposed to the spike protein on its own."                              

In Chemotherapy, cytotoxic drugs are used for their interference with cell division. Impairment of cell function.  Cytotoxicity is just what Circulation Research had indicated.  Wikipsyops try to start the rumour that some ignorant person on social media had started the "rumour".   

The Circulation Research article created worries.  The shepherds at once took action to calm down the spooked ovines, and a calming line was added to the Salk Institute comment: Them bad unfriendly spikes tried on the poor hamsters "behave very differently than those safely encoded by vaccines".  

In a paper published on May 10, 2021, Seneff and Nigh noted that production of the spike protein has "potential relationship to a wide range of both acute and long-term induced pathologies, such as blood disorders, neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune diseases."           

Dr. Byram Bridle, professor at the University of Guelph, in Canada, gave an interview:  "When it gets into the bloodstream, the spike protein... can either cause the platelets to clump together and that can lead to blood clots. ..The protein can also cross the blood-brain barrier and cause neurological damage. That is why it is often seen in the brain even in the fatal cases of blood clots...

...If we look at the database of adverse reactions in the United States, we find evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding in breastfed infants ...

The media had ignored all previous warnings, but this could no longer be ignored, and the response came in the normal manner by which trusted guests respond when caught stealing the silverware: indignation, rage, and desire to avenge the insult of getting caught.

A fake website was created,, stealing Dr. Bridle's own name.

Some other jerk opened a twitter account @ByramBridle.  Purpose: to deny to Dr. Bridle the ability to rapidly answer false charges

Others began to plot cutting the funding for his other projects or to get him fired. 

Details on above studies at                                     



This mRNA consists of instructions which, when processed in cells, cause production of spike proteins, which trigger an adaptive immune response in a safe and effective manner.[381][382]




"Safe and effective, plus we will give you ice cream, kids, and lottery tickets! Or $200 in Minnesota."  

They know it's not very effective any more, and hundreds of thousands of Americans who were damaged by the vaccine know it ain't safe.  That's why, notwithstanding all their complaints about VAERS unreliability, President Biden does not order doctors and emergency rooms to report to VAERS.  They do not want to know the extent of the damage.  

All must be vaccinated!  The vaccine cult leaders are riding the tiger and cannot get off, in fear of being eaten.