Your normal Democrat hates ivermectin as fiercely as he hated hydroxychloroquine.  Oddly enough, Dems hate hydroxychloroquine as much as Reps hate China, it appears.  

On his show with Dr. Robert Malone, at 43' into the show, Jimmy Dore posted a positive piece on HCQ.  So a guy from The Intercept tweeted that "Jimmy Dore is a horse dewormer med right now. LOL".   He got 12,000 likes.  Parties create as much rational discourse as football squads.  And intellectuals fall to the scourge of party loyalty easier than farmhands.  

Now about non-impartial scientific research.  In the UK they are working on study of ivermectin and Covid-19.  Looks nice, good intentions from the Brits.  Here is the plan of the study:

With known antiviral properties, ivermectin has been shown to reduce SARS-CoV-2 replication in laboratory studies. Small pilot studies show that early administration with ivermectin can reduce viral load and the duration of symptoms in some patients with mild COVID-19. Even though ivermectin is used routinely in some countries to treat COVID-19, there is little evidence from large-scale randomised controlled trials to demonstrate that it can speed up recovery from the illness or reduce hospital admission.

Professor Chris Butler, from the University Oxford’s Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, Joint Chief Investigator of the PRINCIPLE trial, said, ‘Ivermectin is readily available globally, has been in wide use for many other infectious conditions so it’s a well-known medicine with a good safety profile, and because of the early promising results in some studies it is already being widely used to treat COVID-19 in several countries. By including ivermectin in a large-scale trial like PRINCIPLE, we hope to generate robust evidence to determine how effective the treatment is against COVID-19, and whether there are benefits or harms associated with its use.’

Following a screening questionnaire to confirm eligibility, participants enrolled in the study will be randomly assigned to receive a three-day course of oral ivermectin treatment. They will be followed-up for 28 days and will be compared with participants who have been assigned to receive the usual standard of NHS care only. People aged 18 to 64 with certain underlying health conditions or shortness of breath from COVID-19, or aged over 65, are eligible to join the trial within the first 14 days of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or receiving a positive test.

Problem: You can join the trial within 14 days after first symptoms appear.  Moreover, these trials are for ivermectin alone, without zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and the other basics of the protocols proposed by doctors who have treated and cured hundreds or thousands of covid patients, some without any casualties.    That guarantees that the results will not be exceptionally great, because ivermectin protects from contagion and cures Covid-19, when taken in the first few days after symptoms first appear.

If they accept cases that are no longer in the viral shedding phase, antivirals cannot help much.  And medicine usually cures with combinations of ingredients, not with a single one.  

It would be more practical to compare the protocols of different specialists, who, adding all patients together, have cured tens of thousands.  Then we could determine which protocol is the best.  The problem is that there is no interest in that: the objective is to reject all prevention and to foster the vaccine company's perpetual  profits and the advancement of the Vcult.

 I took the horse medicine without testing.  Why allow the virus to get hold of you, waiting for someone to give you a report from a lab that may have 50% or higher false results.   Waiting for a day or two for the test, could have allowed the virus to reach my lungs, while I could have kept spreading the virus.  


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  September 8, 2021

COVID-19 misinformation

Ivermectin became a cause célèbre for right-wing figures promoting it as a supposed COVID treatment.[80] Misinformation about ivermectin's efficacy spread widely on social media, fueled by publications that have since been retracted,[81][82] misleading "meta-analysis" websites with substandard methods,[83][84] and conspiracy theories about efforts by governments and scientists to "suppress the evidence."[85][86]


Thanks to Trump Derangement Syndrome, hydroxychloroquine was beaten into the ground in March 2020.  Wikieditors are now using the same strategy on ivermectin.  

The paragraph at the left is a long insult-slogan: "cause célèbre right-wing media...misleading meta-analysis...retracted publications... conspiracy theories." They figure, that they have 50% approval by saying "right wing" and now they  hope to garner 5% more, just with that silly cause célèbre comment.

Nothing theoretical about the obvious evidence of regulatory capture: FDA is  controlled by Big Pharma, to the point of making them outlaw ivermectin , hydroxychloroquine, and to lie about the danger of vitamin D, while observing dutiful silence over the importance of zinc, vitamin C, quercetin, nigella, or sambucus nigra.  Two Italian professors were viciously attacked in the media for proposing the value of vitamin D for all respiratory infections.  The Italian health ministry called that use of vitamin D "fake news".

Pushing worthless expensive medicines is normal in modern medicine; forbidding any early cures isn't.  Nothing like this has ever happened in medicine.  Serious financial incentives/pressures are implicit here.

When Dr. Fauci takes 6000 IU of vitamin D and a couple of grams of vitamin C, and the AMA and CDC and Wikipedia talk about the dangers of vitamin D, you can conclude that the nation is victim of a commercial scam, at the hands of vaccine producers.


Person Hospitalized After Taking Livestock Ivermectin From Feed Store To Treat COVID-1

This report has been updated to include information about an Aug. 20, 2021, state health alert on an increase in incidents of ivermectin poisoning. This story was updated again on Aug. 25, 2021, to note that MSDH clarified that 70% of recent Poison Control calls related to ivermectin are about livestock ivermectin, not 70% of all recent Poison Control calls.

At least one individual has been hospitalized in Mississippi after ingesting a drug intended for treating worms in livestock, the Mississippi State Department of Health revealed today. The medicine, ivermectin, is not approved for treating COVID-19.

“There are potential toxicities. So it’s something, you know, as you know, I think some people are trying to use it as a preventative, which I think is really kind of crazy. So please don’t do that,” Mississippi State Health Officer Dr. Thomas Dobbs said during a discussion on Zoom today. 

MSDH later confirmed to Mississippi Free Press reporter Nick Judin that the person was hospitalized in the state for ivermectin toxicity, but it is not clear whether or not the new patient was a resident. MSDH did not reveal when the incident happened or the patient’s current condition.

Despite a lack of scientific evidence that ivermectin is effective at treating COVID-19, it has become a popular go-to drug in some circles, especially among opponents of COVID-19 vaccines and public-health measures like masking. It’s a similar phenomenon to the push last year for COVID-19 patients to take hydroxychloroquine despite studies finding it ineffective against the virus.

“You know, for the life of me, I don’t get it. Dr. Dobbs, you have a vaccine that’s safe and effective. And yet people, as opposed to getting the vaccine, want to go after these kinds of things,” MSDH Communications Director Liz Sharlot said during today’s Zoom discussion. “What’s your thought process on that?”

...The alert said “no hospitalizations due to ivermectin toxicity have been directly reported to the Mississippi Poison Control Center or the Mississippi State Department of Health.” But MSDH reiterated to Mississippi Free Press reporter Nick Judin that they had confirmed at least one hospitalization due to ivermectin toxicity, though it had not been reported to the department directly...

FDA: Ivermectin Can Cause Seizures, Coma, Death

In August 2021, the state of Mississippi announced that 70 percent of recent calls to poison control centers were due to people taking ivermectin in a dose formulated for large animals. State officials urged residents to get vaccinated, in a state where the vaccination rate was among the lowest in the country.[87]



This was an obvious hoax.  Ivermectin had shown no record of significant issues, after almost 4 billions doses were distributed to treat parasitic illnesses.  The ideas that, arrived in Mississippi,  this drug could suddenly have become a threat to health--even eclipsing acetaminophen/paracetamol, which kills  450 every year--was simply absurd.  Obviously, the report was false propaganda.

NPR writers may have felt that the information they passed on was not persuasive enough, so they thought of making themselves more credible by trotting out the old hydroxychloroquine ("HCQ") meme,  to guarantee themselves  the loyal attention of  Democrat and never-Trump Republican listeners, who loyally react upon seeing the initials HCQ.



Though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved ivermectin to treat people with conditions caused by parasitic worms and external parasites like head lice, the FDA warns that the forms of ivermectin used to treat animals are not the same product.

“For one thing, animal drugs are often highly concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which can weigh a lot more than we do—a ton or more,” the FDA wrote in a March 2021 notice. “Such high doses can be toxic in humans.”

“There’s a lot of misinformation around, and you may have heard that it’s OK to take large doses of ivermectin. That is wrong,” the FDA said. “Even the levels of ivermectin for approved uses can interact with other medications, like blood-thinners. You can also overdose on ivermectin, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension (low blood pressure), allergic reactions (itching and hives), dizziness, ataxia (problems with balance), seizures, coma and even death.”

Aside from getting the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent infection or severe illness, MSDH has urged Mississippians who do test positive to immediately speak with their health-care providers about getting monoclonal antibody antibody infusion treatments. Studies have found that the infusions can prevent as many as 70% of mild cases of COVID-19 from escalating into severe illnesses that result in death or require hospitalization.


Rolling Stone Magazine published an interview with an Oklahoma physician, who said that Northeastern Hospital System’s "ERs are so backed up that gunshots victims were having a hard time getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated.” Multiple networks repeated the story, and it went viral.

Then a correction: the Hospital System reported that no patients had been treated for Ivermectin overdose; no patients were treated for complications of taking Ivermectin - and no gunshot wound patients or otherwise had been turned away from seeking emergency care.


So let's check out the cited Mississippi Free Press article.

It turns out that the claim was false; as expected, Wikipedia editors did not correct the obvious misinformation.

It appears that there is still some confusion on whether any one has been hospitalised or may have just been "instructed to seek further evaluation due to the amount of ivermectin reportedly ingested.”  

If anyone was hospitalized, it does not necessarily mean that she was damaged by taking too much ivermectin.  Without doubt, the medical system would be delighted, to put any nervous ivermectin eater in hospital, for observation.  Since they have not presented any, there is reason to suspect that it never happened. 


 Correction: Virus Outbreak-Mississippi story

 JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — In an article published Aug. 23, 2021, about people taking livestock medicine to try to treat coronavirus, The Associated Press erroneously reported based on information provided by the Mississippi Department of Health that 70% of recent calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center were from people who had ingested ivermectin to try to treat COVID-19. State Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Byers said Wednesday the number of calls to poison control about ivermectin was about 2%. He said of the calls that were about ivermectin, 70% were by people who had ingested the veterinary version of the medicine.

Though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved ivermectin to treat people with conditions caused by parasitic worms and external parasites like head lice, the FDA warns that the forms of ivermectin used to treat animals are not the same product.

“For one thing, animal drugs are often highly concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which can weigh a lot more than we do—a ton or more,” the FDA wrote in a March 2021 notice. “Such high doses can be toxic in humans.”

“There’s a lot of misinformation around, and you may have heard that it’s OK to take large doses of ivermectin. That is wrong,” the FDA said. “Even the levels of ivermectin for approved uses can interact with other medications, like blood-thinners. You can also overdose on ivermectin, which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension (low blood pressure), allergic reactions (itching and hives), dizziness, ataxia (problems with balance), seizures, coma and even death.”



Hundreds of stories were published, repeating the absurd claim.  This was just part of a campaign to protect the vaccinal cult from dissenters, at a time when the vaccine is losing effectiveness.











Aside from getting the COVID-19 vaccine to prevent infection or severe illness, MSDH has urged Mississippians who do test positive to immediately speak with their health-care providers about getting monoclonal antibody antibody infusion treatments. Studies have found that the infusions can prevent as many as 70% of mild cases of COVID-19 from escalating into severe illnesses that result in death or require hospitalization.


The First Generation Of Antibodies—Hurdles For Global Access

It has become clear that a combination of mAbs... are needed to respond to rapidly emerging SARS-CoV-2 ...The first generation of authorized mAb products requires high doses delivered by intravenous (IV) administration, which increases the cost of production and delivery and the burden on health care systems that are already stretched due to the pandemic. These hurdles will need to be overcome for mAbs to become broadly accessible...

Why recommend a complicated, expensive, and thus mostly unavailable solution? Why offer people false hope?  Monoclonal antibodies are not available to most people who contract Covid-19.