Ivermectin is a standard medication against internal and external parasites, like intestinal worms and lice.  It is on the World Health Organisation’s list of essential medicines, and has been safely used since 1975 to treat parasitic infections such as river blindness and head lice. When, on April 3, 2020, a study showed it had a pronounced effect against Covid-19 in the laboratory, in the spring of 2020, a famous Australian doctor thought of trying it.

<<Professor Thomas Borody, a gastroenterologist credited with developing a world-first cure for peptic ulcers, saving countless lives, has stepped up his advocacy for…Ivermectin…combined with zinc and the antibiotic doxycycline.  “They are already approved,” he said. “They do not need preclinical or clinical trials nor additional…approvals unless the aim is to combine in a single capsule…Patient treatment programs have been done in the US and elsewhere which indicate it can work within four to six days.”>> https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/coronavirus-australia-sydney-doctor-claims-cheap-head-lice-drug-could-cure-covid19-and-should-be-used-now/news-story/24b930fcec5e4ef33127b13d4356b0aa

<<In Bangladesh, 400 patients with mild to moderate symptoms were treated and 98 per cent cleared the virus within four to 14 days.  In the Dominican Republic, in 1300 patients the average duration of infection fell from 21 days to 10 days.

Mortality in already sick patients at Broward County Medical Centre in Florida dropped by 48 per cent.  Clinical trials on his Ivermectin ­triple therapy are underway in 32 countries and are about to start in California. Dr Borody says the trick is “treating patients very early”, within seven days of onset, before the virus spreads through their organs and makes them sick.  Dr Borody calls Ivermectin a “wonder drug”. But ever since he ­received the positive preliminary ­results of the overseas trials, he has been banging his head against a brick wall trying to get someone in Australia to take notice.

He has sent letters to the Morrison government and the Victorian government, urging them at least to make Ivermectin available to high-risk patients and as a preventive dose for frontline workers.

“I wrote to the federal and state governments,” he said on the weekend.  “I wasn’t even responded to … It got to a certain level of the fortress, but I don’t think it got to the decision- makers. You can see how frustrating it is, whereas a big state of India says let’s use it. If nothing else, make it available in aged care homes immediately. Our elderly are at the highest risk and this is a very safe option, ­especially when we have nothing else except ventilators.”  www.dailytelegraph.com.au via  https://australian-politics.blogspot.com/2020/08/sydney-dams-start-to-spill-after.html


Reading the introductions to some studies made in Asia, we see doctors who almost apologise for their success.  Do they worry that their work may be unwelcome in the West?  They almost sound like this: “Yes, it’s true, there is a problem with our study, a bit unorthodox, a serious study would not use such poor medications, unauthorised, or rather, rejected by every medical society in the great noble civilised western countries, it’a big problem, but, look, after all, our patients, after all, you know, they just did not die, what can I say?  Yes, I assure you, we all have the maximum respect for the standards justly chosen in the West, so I just thought that maybe I should mention it, in passing—not that I would try to brag about it—but, well, how can I say it, all things considered, they were all cured.”

<<A drug to treat head lice and worms will now be administered to Covid-19 patients and those at high risk of infection in Uttar Pradesh… ivermectin has been used in clinical trials in Delhi hospitals but Uttar Pradesh is the first to approve its statewide use in the Covid-19 prevention protocol…

Besides contacts of Covid-19 patients and healthcare workers, “asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic Covid-19 patients should be administered ivermectin … along with doxycycline,” the health department order, issued on Thursday, said… we have started providing ivermectin tablets to Covid-19 patients and their contacts free of cost,” Agra district magistrate Prabhu N Singh said.

The idea is that its immunomodulation properties — activating the immune system — could help stave off Covid-19. “Ivermectin has been used for several years to treat many infectious diseases … It has low adverse effects. We have been providing the drug to Covid-19 patients in our isolation ward. Positive results were achieved,” said Dr Sanjay Kala, principal of SN Medical College… “It has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-cancer properties. It has shown effective results in Covid-19 studies,” said Dr Prashant Prakash, professor of pulmonary medicine at the college.>>. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/agra/up-approves-use-of-anti-parasite-drug-for-covid-treatment-prevention/articleshow/77420726.cms. 8/20/2020

"Procedure:100 patients RT-PCR confirmed cases of SARS CoV-2…were given a combination treatment of TabIvermectin and Cap Doxycycline along with supportive treatment. The dose of ivermectin was 0.2mg/kg single dose. Doxycycline 100 mg daily was given… for 10 days. Patients… went home and continued treatment. Follow up was done every day…over telephone… RT-PCR test was repeated with sample of nasal swab for all patients according to availability of testing centers between 4 to 18 days...            Result:This observational study, consisting of 64 males and 36 females was conducted from April to May 2020 in Bangladesh Medical College. The oldest patient was 84 years and the youngest one was 8 years with most patients between the ages of 21 to 40 years. Patients were divided in 3 groups: Mild (73),Moderate (20) and Severe (7), based on their symptoms. From the severe patients, three had fever more than103 Fahrenheit for seven days with severe cough and lung infiltrates, three had severe loose motion and one had uncontrolled diabetes. Out of the rest, 20 patients had moderate symptoms of mild fever (100 Fahrenheit) and mild cough. Moreover, 73 had mild symptoms of malaise, sore throat, loss of smell, loss of taste, and body ache. Fifty percent symptomatic improvement of mild to moderate patients was seen between 3rd to 5th day after starting treatment. All 7 severe patients’ symptoms subsided by 50 percent by 7th day of treatment. Retesting was done between 4 to 18 days of starting medication. Twenty five patients underwent retesting between 4th to 8th days, 51 between 9th to 13th days and 24 between 14th to 18th days from starting medication. All of the patients tested negative. None needed intensive care admission and no deaths were reported."    Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2020; 38: 10-15).   DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/jbcps.v38i0.4751       publication date was June 12, 2020 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343305357_A_Case_Series_of_100_COVID19_Positive_Patients_Treated_with_Combination_of_Ivermectin_and_Doxycycline

Similar reports continued to appear in the scientific press, perversely ignored by Western media.  Since some local governments in India were using it successfully, the Indian press could not be stopped from mentioning the use of ivermectin.  

One year later, a good example of Western arrogance from a serious pseudo- medical website.  Incredibly, Dr. G. dares to curl nose nose up. "It does not pass the smell test."  No, Dr. G. did not imply, or suggest that he spotted contradictory data.  No, he literally told important doctors from an unimportant country, "You are lying."

Arrogant, medical politicos, as soon as they find themselves at a loss for words--or evidence--soon turn to force, and just turn the mike off.  Complain, and they call the police.  

Their confidence in science is such as we observed with in the HCQ and ivermectin fraudulent trials or the Surgisphere articles.  When, on December 8, 2020, Dr. Pierre Kory and other doctors appeared to testify at a U.S. Senate Committee hearing,  Senator Peters from Michigan, instead of questioning Dr. Cory, left, after reading a statement accusing the doctors of "undermining a covid vaccine."   Finally they simply canceled the YouTube video.  In other words, they cut the mike, at the U.S. Senate.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxw1voRlS1g



The FLCCC proposed different ivermectin-centred protocols for different stages of the illness.  The medication has also been used for the prevention of covid, with very high drop in infection, when given to populations, to total success, as when given to medics, who are more likely to follow instructions.

Just published online by the American Journal of Therapeutics,  Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines concludes: “Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.” https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/Fulltext/2021/08000/Ivermectin_for_Prevention_and_Treatment_of.7.aspx

Those who run the world, decided to reject all prophylaxis of Covid-19.  In India the ministry tried to ban vitamin D and zinc.  In Italy, the ministry scared people from taking vitamin D. 


They even designed medical trials intended to fail and outlawed the repurposing of safe medicines, just to keep your doctor from saving you. 

They have discovered another profitable war business; in this new war, we are the enemy and the war's purpose is to impose their vaccine on us and soon upon the worlds population.  They know that this will drive the development of more deadly or easier to transmit variants, just as they knew that gain-of-function coronavirus experiments was likely to get out of hand, sooner or later.


COVID-19 misinformation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  June 13, 2021


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the antiparasitic drug ivermectin became a cause célèbre for right-wing figures promoting it as a supposed COVID treatment.[414]




Wikipedia editors, being part of the V Cult, are fixated on the war against  right-wing figures, anti-vaxxers and conspiracists who created the "ivermectin hype."

Since January 2020, unusual behaviour has been observed among political leaders world over.  There must be some practical reason for censuring or shutting down research into prevention and treatment.  We can see regimented denialism of Covid-19 prevention and cure: with the exception of some Indian states, denial has been adopted by Health Ministers all over the world, 

They ordered doctors to refuse treating patients, imposing watchful waiting and irrational vaccine exuberance.  Different explanations can be offered:      

a. folly--Those whom the gods want to destroy, they first make mad. A fine theory, all we need now is to find the malevolent gods.                                

b. Regulatory capture.  Health ministries, bureaucracies, Congress/Parliament, medical societies, media, medical journals, even Wikipedia, have all been captured by Big Pharma.  That does not explain how the most powerful men in the world, like  Trump, Xi, or Putin may have also been captured.                                                                      

c. Occam's razor answer could be that humans are moved by ignorance, arrogance and greed, plus panic.  IAG+P.                                                                                            

d. A vaccinal cult has been internalised and appears to be in control of the minds of  99% of public figures.











In April 2020, a paper was published based on purported data from Surgisphere which suggested that ivermectin reduced COVID-19 mortality.[415] It was described as a "retrospective matched-control study of coronavirus patients using a real-time hospitalization database". It was published as a preprint but was retracted at the end of May.[416][417][418] Several Latin American government health organizations recommended ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment based, in part, on this preprint; these recommendations were later denounced by the Pan American Health Organization.[418][419]





So we stand accused of having presented fraudulent studies.

Surgisphere was an enterprise run by an MD, who pretended connections to hundreds of hospitals around the world and reported imaginary results from imaginary medical studies.

Surgisphere became famous in May 2020, when a study appeared in The Lancet, showing welcome results that crushed President Trump's campaign, since his favorite drug, hydroxychloroquine, was shown to increase mortality in hospitals.  

As result, on May 25, the WHO halted trials of HCQ.  However, some doctors were familiar with sloppy record-keeping in certain third world countries and expressed doubts: the perfect score taking was so unrealistic as to raise suspicions.  Where were these Asiatic perfect data coming from?  When the other authors asked access to the raw data,  the author who had collected the data explained that two hospitals in different continents had been switched.  "Sorry for the error, and thanks for telling us."

However, 201 scientists signed complaint that there were numerous serious inconsistencies, such as reporting more deaths in the Australian hospitals covered by the study than were counted in all hospitals in Australia.  At that point, by June 4 2020, it was clear that the data had been made up, and The Lancet retracted the study, and HCQ was dead, sinking Trump!

The Surgisphere Boys had another fat study in the oven... yes, it was on ivermectin.  And it got published!  And in the New England Journal of Medicine! 

That was a pretty rare event: one single author, in April 2020, gets an article into Lancet and one in NEJM, the two major medical journals in the UK and the US!  That's how the Surgisphere Boys, killed three birds with one stone throw: they killed HCQ, ivermectin, and the Trump campaign.   A brilliant plan! 

Writing that more Australians had died in a couple of hospitals than there were deaths in all Australia couldn't pass unobserved.  And the authors knew it.  Their reward must have been very rewarding.


 In November 2020, a preprint paper was published about a large randomized control trial, led by Ahmed Elgazzar, which apparently showed the effectiveness of ivermectin for COVID-19, and it became widely cited by ivermectin supporters. In July 2021, data from the study was suspected of having been faked. Also the introduction to the paper was discovered to be mash-up of press releases run through software which changed some words. The paper was withdrawn from the Research Square platform for "ethical concerns".[414]




It appears that there was plagiarism and fake data in this third study.  Some evidence:                                                                                      

Many of the patients who died appear to be duplicates. For example, according to the original data, there were ‘four’ patients with the initials NME, NEM, and NES (twice), who were all males aged 51 years old, all suffered from diarrhoea, had the same blood haemoglobin levels, were all diagnosed on the 22nd of May, and all died on the 29th of May 2020. They also all share identical values in at least four other data columns.

At least a further ten deceased patients also display evidence of being duplicated. As such, duplicates make up around half of the recorded deaths. Although much of the patient data is identical, minor changes exist, further proving that a simple copy and paste error cannot be the cause of the duplicates.                                         https://grftr.news/why-was-a-major-study-on-ivermectin-for-covid-19-just-retracted/

Another paid false flag study, after the two Surgisphere studies? This was more obvious than the old Surgisphere trial in favour of ivermectin.  The only reason for not believing that the Elgazzar study was paid for by one of the nine new vaccine billionaires is that it was so bad, as to make it unlikely to be get past the editors.  A few hours of fixing issues would have allowed it to pass muster.

Unless... Well, if I have a cool billion at the bank, I sure can afford to offer a cool M to a very poor professor to make some students of his write some really bad study on ivermectin.  It worked just fine with Trump, HCQ, and Surgisphere.  Then all I need is to pass a 1M futures contracts to the poor editors, asking them to miss the obvious issues with a lousy study. 




 [414] https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/jul/16/huge-study-supporting-ivermectin-as-covid-treatment-withdrawn-over-ethical-concerns         Huge study supporting ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns

This was concerning because two meta-analyses of ivermectin for treating Covid-19 had included the Elgazzar study in the results. A meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies to determine what the overall scientific literature has found about a treatment or intervention.

“Because the Elgazzar study is so large, and so massively positive – showing a 90% reduction in mortality – it hugely skews the evidence in favour of ivermectin,” Meyerowitz-Katz said.

“If you remove this one study from the scientific literature, suddenly there are very few positive randomised control trials of ivermectin for Covid-19. Indeed, if you get rid of just this research, most meta-analyses that have found positive results would have their conclusions entirely reversed.”




Thank God for The Guardian, guarding us from error.  Too bad, they are so truly good and clever on the environment... Oh well, can't lose them all.

So The Guardian presents the third fake study on ivermectin  But it's unfounded to say that dropping one study from a meta-analysis wipes out its results, since 90% reduction in mortality is nothing special with ivermectin. All studies on ivermectin are very positive, unless they run them on the dying.  

Meyerowitz-Katz was proved wrong, when the Elgazzar study was removed from the meta-analysis, the results were still very positive.


In December 2020, Chair of the US Senate Homeland Security Committee Ron Johnson used a Senate hearing to promote fringe theories about COVID-19.[420] Among the witnesses was Pierre Kory, a pulmonary and critical care doctor, who erroneously described ivermectin as "miraculous" and as a "wonder drug" to be used against COVID-19. Video footage of his statements went viral on social media, receiving over one million views as of 11 December.[421]  




The third example of ivermectin hype or fraud by right-wing figures, anti-vaxxers and conspiracists occurred at the U.S. Senate, when Dr. Kory made an impassioned speech, pleading for the right to treat patients instead of allowing them to die, obeying the mandated watchful waiting.

The major issue that concerned Wikipedia editors seems to be that Dr. Kory spoke so well, that his video  was seen by too many. Very annoying!

Dr. Kory was correct in his glowing description of ivermectin, since it was seen as miraculous by populations afflicted by conditions such as scabies or river blindness.  It gained the Nobel Prize for Dr. Satoshi Omura and for Dr. William Campbell.


In the United Kingdom, Andrew Hill, a senior research fellow at Liverpool University, posted a video of a draft meta-analysis that went viral before it was removed.[422]

An evidence-based review of Hill's paper by scientists at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Health Studies in Valparaíso, Chile found "serious methodological limitations" which cast the findings into doubt.[423]





A fourth example of ivermectin hype or fraud by right-wing figures, anti-vaxxers and conspiracists was found in the work of Dr. Andrew Hill, who discussed the results of 18 randomized trials in his preprint paper.                                              Basically he presented his conclusion on a video that many thought was important; consequently, the video was censored and disappeared.  https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-148845/v1  

Censorship no longer annoys Wikipedia editors.

Three Chilean doctors then wrote a piece for the British Medical Journal. They had no complaints about the Hill study; what bothered them was the appearance of too many studies, especially in Latin America.  Very odd.


The viral social media misinformation about ivermectin has gained particular attention in South Africa where an anti-vaccination group called "South Africa Has A Right To Ivermectin" has been lobbying for the drug to be made available for prescription.[358]  


 Here we have one further example of the moral bankruptcy of the WHO and of most ministries of health in the world--and of Wikipedia, who dare to pretend that 

On December 4, 2020, the regime announced its Christmas gift to South Africans. 

In a statement, Sahpra chief executive Dr Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela said: “Our stance is unambiguous. This drug is not approved by Sahpra and any attempt to import it into the country will be dealt with by Sahpra’s regulatory compliance unit in conjunction with law enforcement agencies such as the SAPS and the SIU.”

Semete-Makokotlela said: “If any member of the public is aware of such transgressions, please contact Deon Poovan, senior manager of Sahpra’s Inspectorate and Regulatory Compliance on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/sa-drugs-regulator-bans-miracle-covid-19-treatment-as-unsafe-4e36c339-c65c-4cc6-93d2-d7e748eefcb6

The move had three positive results: pleasing Dr. Tedros of WHO, pleasing his great donors, and creating a black market to distribute ivermectin at high cost.  Alcohol and tobacco sales were also banned in the spring of 2020, in order to create black market and increase the income of police.



Another group, the "Ivermectin Interest Group" launched a court case against the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA), and as a result a compassionate use exemption was granted.  SAPHRA stated in April 2021 that "At present, there are no approved treatments for COVID-19 infections".[358]


[358] leads us to https://www.bmj.com/content/373/bmj.n747

In South Africa, Hill’s viral video coincided with a second wave of cases and deaths. Demand for a drug that’s not registered in the country surged among citizens and doctors alike.

Grassroots groups like the Ivermectin Interest Group, comprising doctors, scientists, and pharmacists, and the physician group I Can Make A Difference have assembled online and argued their case on social and mainstream media. They say they support the call for clinical trials but have a right to prescribe a “life saving” drug that will reduce hospitalisation rates in the interim, citing Hill and Kory’s analyses as evidence. Doctors and patients share anecdotal evidence through email and WhatsApp. “We know the drug works,” says Naseeba Kathrada, a GP and founder of I Can Make A Difference. “Even for those using the veterinary drug, we’ve had no reports of toxicity.”

But ivermectin is not approved for human consumption in South Africa, and while the veterinary formulation is stocked at farmers’ cooperatives, amounts are limited (and prices vary—globally, they range from £0.04 to £3.00 (€0.05 to €3.50; $0.06 to $4.20) per tablet).

Even if a doctor could get hold of the drug, its use in patients to treat covid-19 would be legal only if specific approval for that patient—under “compassionate” grounds—is granted by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA). That exception was only granted in January, after the Ivermectin Interest Group filed a high court motion against SAHPRA. (I Can Make A Difference has also filed its own court motion against SAHPRA to widen approval and availability of ivermectin. A judge will hear the case at the end of March.)

A SAHPRA spokesperson told The BMJ, “At present, there are no approved treatments for COVID-19 infections.”




The BMJ article was written by an obedient member of the cult that controls every health ministry in the world; the author, nevertheless, maintains enough of his human sympathy to be able to report on the horror of Third World suffering under murderous regimes.  

A minister, no doubt living in luxury, with plenty of ivermectin available for family and friends, created a profiteering ivermectin black market systems, to profit and show obedience the orders of WHO authorities.

The SA minister allows ivermectin only upon individual application of a doctor for a specific patient.  Thus they created the opportunity of obtaining permission after payment.