COVID-19 vaccine

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Critical coverage

While the most immediate goal of vaccination during a pandemic is to protect individuals from severe disease, a long-term goal is to eventually eradicate it.

Some variants of SARS-CoV-2 are more transmissible, showing an increased effective reproduction number, indicating an increased basic reproduction number. Controlling them requires greater vaccine coverage, greater vaccine effectiveness against transmission, or a combination of both.

 ...A March 2021 survey of 77 epidemiologists concluded that mutations would render existing vaccines ineffective within one year — a window which wealthy nations were on pace to meet.[621]

Then we should vaccinate everyone at once, under penalty of law.   So we lose a couple hundred thousand and gain a million invalids, a small price to pay for freedom, we'll take good care of all invalids, free electric wheelchairs for everyone.

Then we order Mexico and South America to buy our vaccine, and we bomb who doesn't.  And the new variants coming in, from Asia and Africa? There isn't enough vaccine for everyone, and some do not trust our vaccines. Hmm...

Wouldn't it be better to remove the profit motive from the equation, cut off Bill Gates and Fauci and the vaccine billionaires and just make ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D and C, and nigella and elderberries, for everybody in the world, so much easier, so much cheaper, so much more practical and feasible than grand vaccination campaigns?  

Clearly, there is no way to eradicate Covid-19 with vaccination.  The current war on covid goes against the interests of absolutely everyone, except for the oligarchy.  They have organized the most significant wealth transfer in history, from everyone to the oligarchy, and they are riding high.  

No conspiracy is required here, just normal business methods.  

 Conversely, an Economist Intelligence Unit report from earlier in the year estimated that a similar level of herd immunity would not be achieved globally until 2024.[620]


Thus they agree that their blessed vaccines will be useless in one year, and that we cannot vaccinate the world.  But the oligarchy wants us to keep on, fighting covid forever.  The perpetual war that Orwell had predicted.   

In the meantime, new variants will be coming at us.  Even if  everyone were to be vaccinated in the US, new variants will still be coming in, from the rest of the world.


In March, it was revealed the US attempted to convince Brazil not to purchase the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine, fearing "Russian influence" in Latin America.[623] Some nations involved in long-standing territorial disputes have reportedly had their access to vaccines blocked by competing nations; Palestine has accused Israel blocking vaccine delivery to Gaza, while Taiwan has suggested that China has hampered its efforts to procure vaccine doses.[624][625][626]

A single dose of the COVID‑19 vaccine by AstraZeneca would cost 47 Egyptian pounds (EGP) and the authorities are selling it between 100 and 200 EGP. A report by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace cited the poverty rate in Egypt as around 29.7 percent, which constitutes approximately 30.5 million people, and claimed that about 15 million of the Egyptians would be unable to gain access to the luxury of vaccination. A human rights lawyer, Khaled Ali launched a lawsuit against the government, forcing them to provide vaccination free of cost to all members of the public.[627]

According to immunologist Dr. Anthony Fauci, mutant strains of virus and limited vaccine distribution pose continuing risks and he said: "we have to get the entire world vaccinated, not just our own country."[628] Edward Bergmark and Arick Wierson are calling for an global vaccination effort and wrote that the wealthier nations' "me-first" mentality could ultimately backfire, because the spread of the virus in poorer countries would lead to more variants, against which the vaccines could be less effective.[629]

On 10 March 2021, the United States, Britain, European Union nations and other WTO members, blocked a push by more than eighty developing countries to waive COVID‑19 vaccine patent rights in an effort to boost production of vaccines for poor nations.[630] On 5 May 2021, the Biden administration announced that it supports waiving intellectual property protections for COVID-19 vaccines.[631] The Members of the European Parliament have backed a motion demanding the temporary lifting of intellectual properties rights for COVID‑19 vaccines.[632] Commission vice-president Valdis Dombrovskis, stressed that while the EU is ready to discuss the issue of patent waivers, its proposed solutions include limiting export restrictions, resolving production bottlenecks, looking into compulsory licensing, investing in manufacturing capacity in developing countries and increasing contributions to the COVAX scheme.[633]


The parliamentary indirect democracy system is unable to bring forth leaders able to do anything more than put band aids on cancers while they create new ones.

Vaccination programs are too complicated.

Bureaucrats and oligarchs are too corrupt.  You cannot vaccinate the entire world.  They agree.


In May 2021, UNICEF made an urgent appeal to industrialised nations to pool their excess COVID-19 vaccine capacity to make up for a 125-million-dose gap in the COVAX program. The program mostly relied on the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine produced by SRI, which faced serious supply problems due to increased domestic vaccine needs in India from March to June 2021. Only a limited amount of vaccines can be distributed efficiently, and the shortfall of vaccines in South America and parts of Asia are due to a lack of expedient donations by richer nations. International aid organisations have pointed at NepalSri Lanka, and Maldives as well as Argentina and Brazil, and some parts of the Caribbean as problem areas, where vaccines are in short supply. UNICEF has also been critical towards proposed donations of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines since these are not slated for delivery until the second half of 2021, or early 2022.[637]


Neither the WHO not the UN nor any political leader or great institution in the world  have proposed a plan for

a. winning the drug war or ending it, just as they do not have a plan for

b. solving the global environmental collapse or

c. blocking emergence of new diseases from bush meat or meat factories or

d. making Covid-19 a former illness.

Of those four difficult but manageable and universally seen as desirable objectives, item d. is the easiest to achieve, since we have the means to do it immediately, and we have had the opportunity to do it since the spring of 2020, when Australian Dr. Joseph Borody proposed and began to create International awareness of ivermectin.