COVID-19 misinformation

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in misinformation and conspiracy theories about the scale of the pandemic and the origin, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease. False information, including intentional disinformation, has been spread through social media, text messaging,[1] and mass media. False information has been propagated by celebrities




Celebrities and politicos in the Third World may well have been involved in spreading misinformation, while in the West they have been tame and totally conformist  towards officially held beliefs.  

Celebrities in the US, Canada, and Europe tend to be reverently obedient to the regime.  They know that their wealth and fame can disappear overnight, by cancellation.  Thus they are most unlikely to publicly voice alarm over the catastrophic level of vaccination side effects.  

Politicians might complain abut mask mandates, but I have not read of one single politician in the US or Italy who may have warned about the side effects issue.  Even Senator Johnson of Wisconsin, who brought six vaccine victims to a press conference, did not challenge the vaccination policies, only asked for attention and sympathy towards the families, who are forced to go begging for help and medical attention and have been effectively canceled.

The Facebook pages where the vaccine victims went to exchange news and hope have been malevolently canceled by the oligarchs.  




The World Health Organization (WHO) declared an "infodemic" of incorrect information about the virus that poses risks to global health.[5] While belief in conspiracy theories is not a new phenomenon, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this can lead to adverse health effects. Cognitive biases, such as jumping to conclusions and confirmation bias, may be linked to the occurrence of conspiracy beliefs.[6] In addition to health effects, harms resulting from the spread of misinformation and endorsement of conspiracy theories include increasing distrust of news organizations and medical authorities as well as divisiveness and political fragmentation.[7]


Conspiracy is not a new phenomenon, and it usually involves money or power.  The powerful, conspire to remove a rival, either a person or a state or a party or a business.  The powerful have been able to control institutions such as medical societies.  An example:  

AMA Finally Condemns the Tobacco Industry                                                         The Unfiltered Truth About Smoking and Health

The AMA is one of many collaborators of the tobacco industry during the past several decades. But the association’s 14-year silence about the problems associated with tobacco use is matched by no other and represents arguably the most unholy alliance.

On this page we face another conspiracy, between politicians, medical societies, Big Pharma, and the media.

Debunking sites, Wikipedia, and legacy media have managed to impose censorship, with the intent of blocking any prevention or cure for Covid-19, in a year-long wait for the arrival of unsafe and damaging vaccines.    

2020 gave us nine new vaccine billionaires, and they hope the 2021 will be an even better year for them.        

Bell's palsy

Claims have been circulated on social media that the Pfizer‑BioNTech COVID‑19 vaccine (active ingredient tozinameran) causes Bell's palsy. During the trial, four of the 22,000 trial participants had Bell's palsy, the FDA observed that the "frequency of reported Bell's palsy in the vaccine group is consistent with the expected background rate in the general population."[356]


 The frequency of BP in the American population, before the vaccine had been 40,000 cases/year, that is, 12 cases/100,000 people/Year.  

In the vaccine group, it was 265 cases/ year, as calculated under the "Bell's palsy" heading.  The lie was repeated by the CDC: "Bell’s palsy was reported by four vaccine recipients and none of the placebo recipients. The observed frequency of reported Bell’s palsy ["BP"] in the vaccine group is consistent with the background rate in the general population, and there is no basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship."

The WHO blessed the falsification: "Regulatory agencies (in the United States and the United Kingdom) have found no clear basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship at this time between Bell paralysis ["BP"] and COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2." 

For more information, see under the "Bell's palsy" heading. 

Spike protein cytotoxicity

In 2021, anti-vaccination misinformation circulated on social media saying that SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins were "very dangerous" and "cytotoxic". At that time, all COVID vaccines approved for emergency use either contained mRNA or mRNA precursors for the production of spike protein. 


Effective and safe?  We know that effectiveness is down.  In Israel, 60% have had two vaccine doses.  

TEL AVIV—About half of adults infected in an outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid-19 in Israel were fully inoculated with the Pfizer Inc. vaccine, prompting the government to reimpose an indoor mask requirement and other measures to contain the highly transmissible strain.                                                         

In Wisconsin, "between March 1 and June 24, 95% of confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths were among those who weren't fully vaccinated, DHS spokeswoman Elizabeth Goodsitt said in an email.                                                                 Of the state's 433 COVID-19 deaths during that time period, 412 involved people who were unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated, while just 21 of those who died were people who were fully vaccinated, she said".

It appears that something in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine is toxic.  If you survive the first week after vaccination, you will probably make it.  Indeed, out of 966 who, until February 19, 2021, died within 45 days after immunization, 312 died in the first 63 hours, and 242 more died over the next few days, to make 554 who died in the first week after vaccination. 

If the deaths of the 966 had been unrelated to the vaccine, they would have died about 20 a day, some days more, some days less, at random.  It's obvious, by looking at the chart of falling numbers of casualties as you proceed from vaccination day, that the vaccine killed them.

Wikipedia writers are self-evidently deceptive, unless they be self-deceiving, being part of a vaccinal cult that afflicts society.

We cannot present the mechanism by which so many are dying.  However, something is killing thousands of Americans who took the shot, and something is making hundreds of thousands sick.  The spike toxicity theory explains th events.


This mRNA consists of instructions which, when processed in cells, cause production of spike proteins, which trigger an adaptive immune response in a safe and effective manner.[372][373]


Articles have appeared in the medical literature, detailing apparent danger of the spike proteins.

An article appeared in under the title SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2.   I quote from the article: 

Paradoxically, ACE2 is protective in the cardiovascular system, and SARS-CoV-1 S protein promotes lung injury by decreasing the level of ACE2 in the infected lungs.3 In the current study, we show that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function.