The entire Covid show started with the psychopathic idea of organising international cooperation towards creating new deadly viruses to cause new deadly illnesses.  Since it was dangerous work, Western institutions agreed to finance the lunatic research to China. They knew that Chinese scientists were as sloppy as Western scientists, and that there was as good a chance of error at Wuhan as at Fort Detrick--where activities had recently stopped, because of sloppy maintenance.  The only difference between Fort Detrick and Wuhan was that one was military base in a rural Maryland county, the other was in the middle of city of 9 millions, with daily flights to all major cities in the world.


Any little boo-boo in Wuhan was likely to get out of hand fast, and everyone involved knew it.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the excitement of world-scale Russian roulette.


There had been arguments about the wisdom of research involved in making a natural virus more deadly or more contagious, and Washington decided to end the policy.  Dr. Fauci then allowed the program to continue, by farming it out to an associate, who distributed the U.S. government cash.  Particularly reckless seemed to finance the research in an institution without any foreign presence or control.


It is quite possible that Dr. Fauci may have believed that this was important research.  At that time, the U.S. maintained collaboration with China, and had scientists following developments in China.  Trump, in a peevish moment, ended U.S. scientific presence in China.



The behaviour of the WHO was odd.  Since new diseases often develop in Chinese massive industrial meat farms, and since the WHO had excellent relations with China, one would have expected a WHO presence in Peking.  Apparently, there wasn't, any, and the news of the novel pneumonia did not  come from the WHO but from an epidemic watch private group, on December 30, 2019.


For weeks, the WHO denied the novel pneumonia was spread person to person; it claimed that the virus was connected to trapped wild animals kept for sale and butchering at the Wuhan wet market.   Dr. Van Kekhove tried to change the discourse and give the bad news that the new illness was contagious, only to be corrected by Geneva WHO.  The WHO acted for weeks, as if it were the public relations agency for the jerk mayor of Wuhan, who was then organising traditional New Year potluck banquets, to accelerate the developing plague.  


Peking, meanwhile, was hiding the catastrophe, with the full assistance of the WHO.  "All is under control; what plague? All is normal."  


The New Year city-wide banquets were held in Wuhan.  For weeks, China seemed to be holding a Chinese fire drill—that’s a slang term for a situation that is chaotic or confusing, possibly due to poor or misunderstood instructions.  Then, on January 23, the leadership in Peking woke up.  They locked down the areas in crisis—less than 5% of the country—and started building a new 1000-bed hospital, which 5000 workers completed in ten days. However, what was really important, was that 13,000 light to moderate patients were placed in 16 field hospitals created in sports centers.  


By March 1, thousands of Chinese medical workers, who had arrived in Wuhan  from the rest of China, began to fly home.  Soon, the Wuhan Covid variety was eliminated in China; all new cases were found in travelers from Europe or from America.  That was a success as total as the Western lockdowns would be total failures.





On January 3, Thailand started to screen passengers from China for symptoms of acute respiratory infection. On January 10, anticipating what would happen, the Royal Thai Government (RTG) started a nation-wide public communication campaign to provide accurate information about what would come to be called COVID-19. All people… were encouraged to… apply basic health measures such as handwashing, mask wearing and physical distancing. On 13 January 2020, Thailand reported that a Wuhan resident who travelled to Bangkok on 8 January had tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This was the first COVID-19 case detected outside China.                         WHO thailand-c19-case-study-20-september.pdf


Through January, Norh American and European ministers of health cheerfully ignored the issue; they even permitted daily direct flights from Wuhan.  European and American presidents had no time for the matter, they were busy.  Dr. Redfield of CDC was unable to speak to President Trump, who was very busy, just as Dr. Gao of Chinese CDC had been unable to talk to his president.


By March, European presidents were slipping into panic; on March 9, Italian Prime Minister Conte ordered a nation-wide lockdown. In a few days, Spain and France followed suit, and then rest of the world, all of them issuing strange contradictory orders that made our lives difficult and crushed millions of small businesses.  Bicycles and picnics  were outlawed in France and in Italy they asked for papers in the street.  Gloved city workers were ordered to go out and spray disinfectants on bridges.  A mayor in Italy ordered city workers to spray disinfectant in the streets with snow-making machines.


African and Asian head of state thought they could do no less, and unleashed hordes of armed men, in an unprecedented world-wide wave of violence.  


Police remained absurdly polite, as they extracted swimmers from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; then they dragged them off to jail.  Millions of lives were ruined; alcohol, drugs, an awful increase in family violence.


Up to a point we can chalk it all up to ignorant arrogance.   European leaders may have thought that all of China had locked down, and decided to imitate their fantasy.  Maybe they did not know that East Asian states, although full of Chinese tourists, had never locked down.  In Korea they began to organize housewives sewing masks and did lots of contact tracing; with general masking they beat the Wuhan variant in East Asia.  But such news did not percolate as far as the seats of power in the West.


The WHO, which had led the world to purposely ignore the plague, with persistently false optimistic information, declared war on the established science of respiratory infection transmission.  The WHO decided that one meter separation was the key, and that there was no evidence of airborne transmission.  On that basis, the world organized its battle against Covid-19.  Besides that, the WHO rejected masks.  


China had beaten the Wuhan version of Covid-19 by the beginning of March, yet that remarkable success was rejected by the Western media, which ministered to hundreds of millions of locked-down believers.  The media hid the fact that Est Asia was free of Covid, without lockdowns.  The streets and subways were full of people, walking in the sun in the first days of spring, while in the West the slaves were ordered not to plant in their backyards, and stay indoors.





Until the middle of March 2020, all unexplainably irrational orders of our governments could have been ascribed to the local Dear Leader's ignorance and arrogance.  Then, on March 19, Dr Vladimir Zelenko wrote to the President, who mentioned Hydroxychloroquine ("HCQ") as a possible cure for Covid-19. 


Immediately an angry campaign started, in which journalists insulted and bullied medical doctors who cured covid. The intent seemed to be the sabotage of all prevention and cure.  They even attacked the use of vitamin D to prevent respiratory infections, but the main enemy was HCQ, banned by the Governor Cuomo of New York on March 23.  


On May 22, a study was published on one of the world's most prestigious journals, all based on fake data.  The Lancet article damned HCQ as deadly for the patients.  Now every paper and every TV station could pour ridicule on Trump, for falling for the deadly HCQ fraud.  


As for the author of the study, he had to assume that friends of Trump would check his data.  He is a smart guy, a surgeon and science fiction author.  He had to expect he would be found out.  Then, why do it, what's the point of publishing a fake expecting to get caught?  In a political campaign,  the original accusation goes on page 1, the denial goes on page 37 next week.  In the meantime, for a week, all the media could laugh at Crazy Orange Man.  It worked perfectly.  No one knows the article was retracted, and a year later, the fake data of the article are still cited.


The HCQ Lancet article attracted attention to an article by the same author, praising ivermectin ("IVR"), in another world-class journal, the New England Journal of Medicine.  It was also built upon fake data, and vaccine fans, still  today, present the study as proof that ivermectin relies on fake studies.  The two fake studies, seemed brilliantly designed to kill the two main medications against covid.  We can presume that the reward for the doctor who manufactured the two studies must have been quite rewarding.  





Dr. Fauci, with a kind smile, complied with Trump's request for inquiry, and agreed to organize HCQ trials, with a trick: HCQ, like ivermectin ("IVR"), is an antiviral, effective during the first few days of the illness, during the viral phase of the illness, not in the serious pulmonary complication that sends us into hospital.  All the trials for HCQ and IVR were restricted to pneumonia patients in hospitals, to whom the other essential medications of the Covid-19 protocols were denied: no vitamin D and C, no zinc. 


Thus the HCQ trials were a sham, designed to fail, organized to deceive the nation and the world.  Likewise, there were no honest trials for IVR.  Dr. Fauci also blocked prescription of HCQ by doctors treating patients at home.  How could Trump not know that his advisors were betraying him and the nation?


Doctors who prescribed HCQ were threatened.  If that did not work, Democratic Party governors ordered pharmacies to block prescription.  This was a drug, that until January 2020 was sold over the counter in France and in all African countries, while the CDC until spring 2020 declared HCQ safe for children and pregnant women.  Now, we are under orders to say "pregnant people," and HCQ and IVR are dangerous drug that cannot be prescribed.  





The vaccines arrived, and were shamelessly tested on volunteer children; in the case of Maddie de Garay, the horrendous resulting damage disappeared from the records of the Pfizer trial reports.  "The trials were perfect, thanks! Safe and effective!"


Fraudulent calculations were made.  CDC and FDA used three-card-monte tricks to hide the twenty-fold increase in Bell's palsy.  A three-fold increase in    


         was honestly reported by CDC doctors.   Still, the media describe the trials as flawless and the vaccine as safe.  Wikipedia insists and persists in lying noble lies.


Orders were issued to the world: do not attempt to cure covid, vaccine's coming soon for you!  All prevention and cure was forbidden: "unscientific!"  Anything like this had never happened in the history of medicine.  Orders from Washington, from Rome, from Paris, from London, from Madrid, from Brussels, that doctors should not cure.  Medicines used by hundreds of millions, safe until then, were forbidden. Unprecedented.  Unexplainable.   


Orders came from Geneva, from WHO headquarters, that millions should be allowed die, while thousands of good doctors, isolated from each other, under pressure and threats by medical societies, silently persist saving their patients.  Ministers of health know that if they block prevention and cure they will be rewarded when they leave government and enter into Big Pharma by the old revolving door.  Ministers in poor countries, like India and South Africa, cheerfully banned all cures.


Established medicine lines up millions of sacrificial victims, to be fed into the maw of the billionaires' vaccinal Moloch.  


The question must now be asked: all this murderous activity, by so many important people, was it all done just for cash?  To create those nine new vaccine billionaires of 2020, or maybe ten new ones for 2021, who would certainly share the wealth a bit?  





It's possible that greed may be the only motive, what Dr. Malone calls "rampant war profiteering."   Yet, there is a further explanation, that the entire covid show may have been engineered for protection and survival of the system.  The Dear Leaders are unpleasant jerks, but they aren't stupid.  Suppose they came to the conclusion that the castle of cards of the economy was going to collapse upon them soon, that there would be revolts and revolutions, and that they needed protection.  


Then, as soon as the long-announced pandemic finally did start, they ignored it for months, and then organized the panic, to introduce a Chinese-style social credit system, so that every person could be marked and indexed and located and watched.  Blocking all cures was essential to maintain the panic.


They know that their vaccine does not vaccinate, they know it does not give immunity.  Yet, they persist: every month the charade continues, a new billionaire can be created, or a new family member can become extremely wealthy.  As for the dissidents, they think that they can make our lives so difficult, that we are going to bow and offer our arm to the vaccineers.


The secondary objective, after money and power, could be the actual safety of the onepercenters.  They might have decided they need to mark and index and follow every ant in the American anthill, and every ant in the Italian anthill, and every ant in the French anthill, knowing the location of each ant and what's it's doing.  They know they can, eventually, individuate and eliminate the resistants, those few who refuse to be marked.












From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                    The Idiot by Evert Larock (1892)

An idiot, in modern use, is a stupid or foolish person.

'Idiot' was formerly a technical term in legal and psychiatric contexts for some kinds of profound intellectual disability where the mental age is two years or less, and the person cannot guard themself against common physical dangers. The term was gradually replaced by 'profound mental retardation', which has since been replaced by other terms.[1] Along with terms like moronimbecile, and cretin, its use to describe people with mental disabilities is considered archaic and offensive.[2]



Self-evidently, idiots do not have capability to conspire.

Jerks, however, do have that ability, and love doing it.  Idiots and jerks are closely associated in the invective department, particularly in the field of government. 

As persons, idiots can be very pleasant, while jerks are unpleasant, pushy, and pigheaded.  They often rise in their field of endeavor, particularly in the realm of politics, where they can find masses of people willing to praise, honour, admire them, to the point of following the Dear Leader into perdition. 

Jerks in government start all wars, and usually lose them.  Conspiring against friends and neighbours is their passion, but they do it in a sloppy and self-destructive manner.  They also love to conspire against their supporters and electors, making promises they have no intention to keep.

Western management of Covid-19 is incomprehensible barring madness or malevolent profiteering.  Since January 2020, Western leaders lied about covid.  That could be ascribed to ignorance and trust in what they heard from the WHO.  

However, since March 2020, since the time when China had announced the closing of all field hospitals that had solved the contagion in China, Western leaders did everything possible to make their people more susceptible to covid, imposing absurd destructive regimentation on their nations.

In March 2020, Western media and politicians, having ordered "watchful waiting," blocked the doctors who were curing covid.  Having succeeded in blocking the use of hydroxychloroquine by fraudulent studies, they concluded they could get away with blocking every cheap and safe treatment, favouring expensive and dangerous medicines. 

Once the vaccines arrived, they were sloppily tested, and the awful results were hidden away.  For evidence, see under the heading "Bell's palsy" or "adverse events."  The most shocking example occurred when a case o paralysis in a 12-year-old was simply hidden away, with the collaboration of the entirety of the print media in the United States.  See under "Johnson, Senator Ron."

Since January 2020, the malevolent jerks who run the world, simply refused to put into effect every practical effective proposal for the containment of the illness.




Instead, they