Anthony Stephen Fauci OMRI (/ˈfi/; born December 24, 1940) is an American physician-scientist and immunologist serving as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President.



Dr. Anthony Fauci decided to break with the years of delays over the amount of vitamin D we ought to take.  He is the best known American doctor, many times he appeared alongside President Trump, but in an interview on Covid-19, he said that he took the D and also the C, a gram or two a day. The media thought best to keep quiet about it.

However, on the internet, the words of Dr. Fauci made such a stir, that Time magazine decided that it would be best to deny the story. No, no, Time wrote, Fauci does not take the D to keep Covid away, but only on principle, to please the immune system, for the good health of the skeleton. How did they know? They don't mention asking Dr. Fauci, so it would seem that at Time magazine, they just decided for Dr. Fauci that Dr. Fauci is taking the D for his poor old bones, not to prevent Covid-19.

Thus Time protects us from "spurious claims that vitamin D can prevent or treat COVID-19... potentially dangerous... toxic... can negatively affect brain, muscles, heart and more."

How is it that Time knows that the claims on the D are spurious? Simple, because it is already known that "Vitamin-D can help prevent acute respiratory tract infections other than COVID-19.”  How does Time know that the D is active on all coronaviruses but not on the new one? Simple, because if it did, the government would be saying so.

It remained to be known how much D Dr. Fauci took, 600 IU or maybe 800, as the NIH advises for us old geezers.  So Dr. Hjelt wrote to Dr. Fauci, asking how much D he took.  Dr. Fauci kindly replied, " UI 6,000 a day."   Dr. Hjelt sent the email to Dr. John Campbell, the great popularizer of medicine in the English-speaking world.  For non-medical people who want to be well informed, Dr. Campbell is essential; he produces a new Covid video almost every day.  On September 16, 2020, he published Dr. Fauci's email in a YouTube video entitled Vitamin D and Pandemic Science.               

After the inauguration of Joe Biden in January 2021, Fauci said he experienced a "liberating feeling" in being able to speak freely about science without interference from the new administration. He pictured Biden's administration as committed to being "completely transparent, open and honest".[82]


Dr. Fauci, is the best known American doctor.  With his grandfatherly presence on television, he is responsible for pushing government policies, which are often his own personal policies.

When he disagrees with the government, he moves ahead on his own, as he did when he violated US government decision not to fund gain-of-function research or when he sabotaged Trump's decision to test Dr. Zelenko's HCQ protocol.  

On the vitamin D issue, we must be thankful for his truthfulness.  The problem is that he said it on an Access Hollywood interview, which had 15,000 views on YouTube over the course of a year.  However, he did not say that vitamin D is essential for the immune system to combat respiratory infections, nor did he block the vile media campaign against vitamin D that followed his mention of vitamin D.  He knows better, takes large dose of D himself, yet keeps the information private. 

The only explanation for that is that Dr. Fauci works in the interest of Big Pharma corporations, which need us to have weak immune systems and to get sick and buy their useless or even deadly remedies against the common cold.