Vaccine efficacy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Vaccine effectiveness).   August 19, 2021

Vaccine efficacy is the percentage reduction of disease in a vaccinated group of people compared to an unvaccinated group, using the most favorable conditions.[1] ... It is best measured using double-blind, randomized, clinical controlled trials, such that it is studied under "best case scenarios."[2]

Vaccine effectiveness differs from vaccine efficacy in that it shows how well a vaccine works when they are always used and in a bigger population whereas vaccine efficacy shows how well a vaccine works in certain, often controlled, conditions.[1] Vaccine efficacy studies are used to measure several possible outcomes such as disease attack rates, hospitalizations, medical visits, and costs.

Worsening Crisis

However, now this situation gets a closer look by TrialSite.  Recently a top health official here, Dr. Koby Haviv, Director of Jerusalem’s Herzog Hospital, declared the following in a television interview on Channel 13:

“95% of the severe patients are vaccinated. 85%-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people. We are opening more and more COVID wards. The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out.”

Moreover, Dr. Haviv continued that “90% of severe COVID-19 hospitalizations are fully vaccinated.” From worsening breakthrough infections to “outbreaks in hospitals” where a single patient can infect a large group, the doctor expressed real concern that won’t be shared in American or British media.

Thanks to honest medical directors, some people are informed, if politicos and media do not normally lie when convenient.  If the last two conditions are lacking, people will lose the ability to know what is happening even in their immediate surroundings.

Thus, in the beautiful state of New Jersey, the governor had no problem inventing false information, without fear of contradiction.

“It is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Gov. Phil Murphy (D-NJ) said on Yahoo Finance Live (video above). “It is literally 99.99% likely that the folks who are in the hospital are unvaccinated.” July 30, 2021


It has been proposed that standardized statements of efficacy be parametrically expanded to include multiple categories of efficacy in a table format. While conventional efficacy / effectiveness data typically shows ability to prevent a symptomatic infection, this expanded approach could include prevention of outcomes categorized to include symptom class, viral damage minor/serious, hospital admission, ICU admission, death, various viral shedding levels, etc. Capturing effectiveness at preventing each of these "outcome categories" is typically part of any study and could be provided in a table with clear definitions instead of being inconsistently presented in study discussion as is typically done in past practice. Some 2021 era COVID-19 studies appear to be implementing similar methods and presentation. Improved methods and presentation remain desirable.[10][11]



 A beautiful paragraph, written with a single apparent objective: obfuscation.

Dr. Zelenko has proposed that Covid-19 vaccination of children be parametrically expanded to include multiple categories of efficacy in a table format, under the heading of "child sacrifice".

One such victim is Maddy de Garay, 12-year-old school kid, who volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine, and was paralyzed and abandoned by the political/Big Pharma profiteering system.  
Clearly, the vaccine no longer protects, even from serious illness.   Worse, the vaccine causes deaths and catastrophic infirmities, most notably in younger people.  
The obvious solution would to go back to the protocols offered by doctors like Dr. Raoult in France, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Mangiagalli in Italy, Dr. Kory, all medics who since March 2020 saved their patients, rejecting strange orders of watchful waiting issued by the local ministers of health.  Yet, our Dear Leaders cannot allow prevention and treatment of Covid-19, lest they be charged with mass murder, when people learn that the illness was preventable and curable.  The Dear Leaders are riding a tiger and cannot get off.