Antibody-dependent enhancement

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia      August 18, 2021
Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), sometimes less precisely called immune enhancement or disease enhancement, is a phenomenon in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication.[1][2] The suboptimal antibodies can result from natural infection or from vaccination. ADE may cause enhanced respiratory disease and acute lung injury after respiratory virus infection (ERD)... Some vaccine candidates that targeted coronaviruses, RSV virus and Dengue virus elicited VADE, and were terminated from further development or became approved for use only for patients who had those viruses before.

 So ADE was a concern and is no longer a concern, say Wikipedia editors.  So easy to relieve the fears of a real lucky guy.  He sounds like a guy who enjoys the excitement and high spirits of Russian roulette with vodka.  He has absolute faith in his famous luck.

Robert Malone: “Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is a worse case scenario for virologists as the vaccine is causing the virus to be more infectious ...  and would cause the virus to replicate at higher levels. This is the vaccinologist worst nightmare”

“This happened with the Respiratory syncytial virus in the 1960’s and caused more child deaths with vaccine recipients than the unvaccinated and it's happened with pretty much every other coronavirus vaccine development program, certainly we know the history and it's what vaccinologist like myself have been warning about.”








Further information: COVID-19 misinformation § Antibody-dependent enhancement

ADE was observed in animal studies during the development of coronavirus vaccines, but as of 14 December 2020 no incidents had been observed in human trials. "Overall, while ADE is a theoretical possibility with a COVID-19 vaccine, clinical trials in people so far have not shown that participants who received the vaccine have a higher rate of severe illness compared to participants who did not receive the vaccine."[28][29]



The fear is that the antibodies, instead of doing the job we want them to do, neutralising the virus, will instead facilitate the entry of the virus into the cell.   Has this fear been allayed by any data? No, but these guys are very very lucky

This is quite remarkable.  So they observed ADE in animal studies, and still imposed their accursed vaccine on billions, and even on children.  Quiet insanity.

I have seen a person digging into his basement.  A brilliant carpenter, a true master, a perfectionist, he wanted to build a new set of stairs.  His idea was to lower the sandy floor of his basement, to fit with the design in his mind.  

He quit, and when I saw his work, I told him it was best not to dig any more, the stone wall might collapse.

His answer: "Yes, it might have collapsed, but it didn't."  So it collapsed during the winter.

Insane to undermine a stone wall.  Insane to undermine the health  of billions of people, in the largest and deadliest unnecessary experiment in history.