I consult Wikipedia every day, whenever I need factual information about issues dealing with science or history or physics or any subject about which there is one view, shared by most of us.  

Most of us, in Europe at least, share certain reality-based views, such as the idea that the Earth is not really flat, after all.  We can, reasonably, believe or hope in God, while admitting that heaven and earth were not created in the year 4004, as the Bible says.  

Most of us, in Europe at least, share a strong disbelief in witchcraft.  Suppose someone tells you, "See, that woman with the back cat on the window sill, over there across the street, I know what's she doing in her kitchen today, I know it, I feel the pain here."  If someone says that, sorry, that's just schizophrenia.

Most of us agree on the basics, in the fields of geography, geology, chemistry, or ancient history.  However, in the fields of medicine and current affairs, where there are different views, only one view is allowed.  Western orthodoxy controls the media and does not tolerate dissent.  

While I love Wikipedia, I admit that on matters over which there are powerful interests, Wikipedia is allowed to offer only the official reality, as delineated in the New York Times, as agreed to in all other Western publications of record.  

The cancel culture has come to Wikipedia, and it rejects the data of dissenters, without presenting better data.  Instead, Wikipedia will indulge in insults and negative association.  For example, Wikipedia introduces hyydroxychloroquine ("HCQ") not with articles in medical journals, but with a rumor regarding Nigeria. Although the CDC, as late as March 19, 2020, called it safe for children "of all ages", Wikipedia calls it "extremely toxic".



When you are a billionaire, you have power.  You can buy newspapers and TV stations, you can appoint candidates for office, you can create political parties, or you can bring actors or singers to the presidential palace.  You can donate millions to support certain state projects, knowing that your gift will be repaid tenfold.

Nine new vaccine billionaires have appeared in 2020:

  1. Stйphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, now worth $4.3 billion.
  2. Ugur Sahin, CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, now worth $4 billion.
  3. Timothy Springer, immunologist and founding investor of Moderna, now worth $2.2 billion.
  4. Noubar Afeyan, Moderna’s chairman, now worth $1.9 billion.
  5. Juan Lopez-Belmonte, chairman of spanish drugmaker Rovi, which struck a deal to make ingredients for Moderna’s vaccine, now worth $1.8 billion.
  6. Robert Langer, scientist and founding investor in Moderna, worth $1.6 billion.
  7. Zhu Tao, co-founder and chief scientific officer at CanSino Biologics, worth $1.3 billion.
  8. Qiu Dongxu, co-founder and senior vice president at CanSino Biologics, now worth $1.2 billion.
  9. Mao Huihua, co-founder and senior vice president at CanSino Biologics, now worth $1 billion.


Those fortunes could not have been made without the world-wide panic of the the Covid-19 pandemic.  By issuing confusing contradictory orders, governments created a panic pandemic, forcing people to hide at home for months, when what was needed was fresh air and sun.  With the total collaboration of the media, the old billionaires added $1.2 T to their wealth. 

Billionaires can buy newspapers, magazines and radio stations, just as Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post.  When oligarchs buy a paper or a TV station, they do not need to order the directors to support whichever war is or national campaign is going on. It's pretty simple, it would be unthinkable for them to do otherwise.  

The idea that cheap currently available medications are the answer to covid is simply unthinkable, and will not be entertained in the media.  To the oligarchs, the idea that vitamin D, zinc and ivermectin, costing a penny each, can replace their beloved vaccine, is insulting.  



For most people, even for scientists in positions of high responsibility, faith in salvation through vaccination has taken the forms of a cult.  Faith relieves them of the burden of doubt.

Normal modern countries can still make great step backwards into a dark age.  It has happened a lot in the 20th Century.  It's happening once again; the values of the illuminism are now rejected by a new political culture.  

Torture of animals is the norm, as long as it is not done in public view; torture of human prisoners has also returned.  Murder and torture of POW's has returned to Western democracies.  As for free speech, the free marketplace of ideas is seen as a quaint old-fashioned utopian dream.

Some countries have rapidly regressed, towards a primitive state, where boss scientists impose their financially profitable science upon dissident scientists, using the threat of excommunication and unemployment.

Sacrificing a child to make a bridge safe used to be the norm in some places.  It's illegal now, but the custom persists.  Are we there yet, in the West?  Since February 2020, thousands of doctors, in different countries, have offered medical solutions to covid and have become persecuted dissidents.  If simple and safe medical solutions are rejected and forbidden, leading to millions of deaths and horrible suffering for hundreds of millions of damaged persons, we have returned to the age of human sacrifice.  


