Bret Weinstein

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.         July 2021
 Bret Samuel Weinstein /ˈwnstn/ (born 21 February 1969) is an American evolutionary biologist and podcaster who came to national attention during the 2017 Evergreen State College protests. He is among the people referred to collectively as the "intellectual dark web".[3][4]
[Since Dr. Weinstein has publicised his vaccine safety concerns, Wikipedia has demoted him from "evolutionary biologist" to plain "podcster and author."]
                                                                      August 13 2021

Bret Samuel Weinstein /ˈwnstn/ (born 21 February 1969) is an American podcaster and author. He served as a professor of biology at Evergreen State College, but resigned in the aftermath of the 2017 Evergreen State College protests, which brought him to national attention. He is among the people referred to collectively as the intellectual dark web.[3][4] Weinstein has been criticized for making false statements about COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.[5][6][7]




Dr. David Gorski is a man of science, and has a degree to prove it.  

Western medicine, until the late 1800's was mostly based on traditional superstitions; bloodletting and purgatives were the major tools of medicine.  Doctors could hardly avoid killing their patients, but they did it "scientifically.".  Various US presidents, starting with Washington, were killed by their doctors.  

Meanwhile physicians with the New York Academy of Medicine and the Eclectic Medical Institute safely cured their patients, with medicinal herbs; they were able to cure chronic illnesses and killed very few.  

In political competition with the AMA, the eclectics lost the political game, and AMA doctors took over.  Great progress was made since the 1930's, but still in the 60's, MD's taught that kids should not follow nature and put their burned finger under cold water.  Many MD's, still today, maintain a jealous choleric attitude towards colleagues who stray from exclusive use of Pharma industrial products.

As for herbal cures, they still dream of crushing herbalists.  MD's agree that herbs may have valuable ingredients, but they want them extracted, analysed, purified, and sold by prescription.  They even hate vitamins, and Dr. Gorski's publication, is at the forefront in the struggle to scare people from herbal/vitsmin heresy.  


During the COVID-19 pandemic, Weinstein made several public appearances advocating the use of the antiparasitic drug ivermectin to prevent or treat the disease and downplaying the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.  David Gorski, in Science-Based Medicine, described Weinstein as a prominent "COVID-19 contrarian and spreader of disinformation".[5]


Some people need to insult their opponents and are unable to stay away from ad hominem argumentation.  Dr. Gorski is a man of passion, and all too easily slips into insults; but that's something that we must expect from members of the Vaccine Cult.  Just as we should not be culturally arrogant and be overly critical about the Central African emphasis on hunting witches, so we should be tolerant of Dr. Gorski's penchant for hunting down medical dissidents and other science heretics.

I note how shocked I was, upon returning to Italy after 60 years, when I noticed the facility with which even cultured people in their 80's had slipped into accurate detailed obscenity over the most minor difficulty, such as dropping the house  keys on the floor; I mean, on the floor, not into the toilet or through a subway grate.  But it's not their fault; people of my age had learned it from their daughters, who had slipped into the vilest cursing as demonstration of adult independence.

So, if Dr. Gorski uses the silly insult "spreader of disinformation," we should be tolerant--for people of his social stratum, that's as normal as for cultured Italian ladies it's normal to go, "kazoo," and they do not mean it.  

"Spreader of disinformation" indicates that the individual intentionally spreads false information, created to trick people into doing destructive things, such as smoking, or drinking Coke, opposing public transport, or building nuclear weapons and power stations, or voting Democrat or Republican.  

I would never accuse Dr. Gorski of lying and passing disinformation.   He just spreads misinformation fed to him since childhood by television or by the Times.  His faith is in the Party, and his Party has turned into a suicide cult, Dr. Gorski unaware.  He accepts the hooey dished out by CDC and FDA, which is 90% of MD's in the United States and Europe lap up  with zeal..  Perhaps 9% do not believe it, but are afraid of losing their medical licence.  That leaves less than 1% of MD's, who treated and saved thousands of patients. 

Dr. Gorski is a card-carrying member of the Vaccinal Cult, and knows that his Party duty is to crush dissent by censorship, repression, and cancellation, or stronger measure if necessary. 



Weinstein made baseless claims that the drug can prevent or treat COVID-19,[5][45] claims for which there is no good evidence.[46][47][48] Weinstein hosted ivermectin advocate Pierre Kory on his DarkHorse podcast to discuss the drug,[49][50] and promoted ivermectin on other podcast and television news appearances.[51][52] Weinstein took ivermectin during a livestream video and said both he and his wife had not been vaccinated because of their fears concerning COVID-19 vaccines.[53] YouTube demonetized the couple's channels in response to their claims about ivermectin. Afterward, Weinstein and Heying moved their subsequent broadcasts to the alternative/fringe video sharing platform Odysee.[49]Weinstein considers himself a supporter of vaccines in general; he believes mRNA vaccines have promise despite what he claims are "some clear design flaws".[37] 







Wiki editors are compelled by their Faith, to say that no medical or scientific evidence exists unless confirmed by Minitrue or by TNI (the Trusted News Initiative).

Thus, no matter how many thousands of patients are saved in the U.S., no matter how many are saved in the world, there cannot be evidence for ivermectin.  No matter how many world-class doctors adopt unapproved cures, Wiki editors will repeat that there is no evidence that Vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, or Nigella may prevent or cure Covid-19, since the Party line says that there is no cure for the summertime blues--until when hell freezes over.

Note how pleased the Wikipedia editors--such a long phrase, how about Weditors? Or Wikipsyops?--appear, at the idea of You Tube sabotaging the livelihood of dissidents.  And how annoyed they are that Weinstein and Heying found refuge on fringe video sharing platforms like Odysee.


In June 2021, Weinstein erroneously claimed that the spike protein produced by or contained within COVID-19 vaccines is "very dangerous" and "cytotoxic."[45][46]




Looks like the Wpsyops are getting annoyed here.

From errant professor, Weinstein has been promoted to purveyor of falsity.

To examine the evidence of spike cytotoxicity, please see details under the Spike heading.