Discussing the issues of VAERS, we ought first of all peruse what the negationists have to say about VAERS, at sciencebasedmedicine.org say about VAERS.

The poor negationists are so upset about doctors telling the truth, that they get stuck in the quicksand of lengthy ad hominem attacks on honest medics, even before they start taking about VAERS; but when they finally get to VAERS, they have no data to present, only insults: Dumpster diving in the VAERS database to find more COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis in children. 'Dumpster diving' is a term used to describe studies using data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System database by authors, almost always antivaxxers, who don’t understand its limitations. Last week, non-antivax doctors who should know better fell into this trap when they promoted their study suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are more dangerous to children than the disease. https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/dumpster-diving-in-vaers-doctors-fall-into-the-same-trap-as-antivaxxers/



     Thanks to @Vaccine Truth2 and trialsitenews.com



VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, provides us with statistics and with details on every individual report made in the United States.  See https://medalerts.org 

By February 19, 2021, 966 Americans who had been vaccinated were reported to have died.  Not strange at all: about 20 millions had been double-vaccinated, and even the vaccinated must go, when their number is called.  

Something odd: out of 966 vaccinated Americans who died within 50 days of vaccination, 300 got the call within two days.  We can fairly assume that they do not give the vaccine to people on their death bed, and that exclusion ought to have lowered mortality immediately after vaccination; apparently it didn't.  

On day 0, the day of vaccination, 86 died.   Let's say that vaccinations started at 9 am.  Those who died through the night, were added to next day's count; so, for day 1, we had 129 deaths.  On Day 2, 97 died.  312 deaths in 63 hours.  We do not know what killed them, but we observe a progressive lowering of mortality rates as you distance from vaccination day.  242 died over the next 5 days.  

So it was 554 during the first week, or 57% of the casualties.  If you survive the first week, your chances of surviving vaccination improve tremendously.  If you survive the first month, we see an average of only one death per day among the vaccinated.

If the vaccination event had no effect on the death event, you would have expected about 20 of those 966 Americans to die every day after vaccination.  

Could the problem be that doctors, by day 3, just begin to forget to send in the death report.  I doubt it, but if FDA or CDC want to challenge the reality of the vaccination death cluster, all they have to do is send a directive to every doctor's office/hospital, ordering that weekly reports of adverse events be sent to VAERS.

If such an order is not issued, it means that FDA and CDC prefer not to know the results of their vaccination program. 

It might be that due to pressures not to report deaths after vaccination, the death rates might change.  If they could get away with hiding the paralysis of Maddie DeGaray, a 12-year-old girl who volunteered for the covid-19 vaccine adolescents trial, they will certainly be able to miss thousands of dead who have no one to speak for them.   By December 2021, the official number of post-vaccine deaths was approaching 10,000.  


Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from VAERS)


Like other spontaneous reporting systems, VAERS has several limitations, including underreporting, unverified reports, inconsistent data quality, and inadequate data about the number of people vaccinated.




Concerned about "inadequate data about the number of people vaccinated?No problem, just google "U.S. vaccine tracker", and there it is: at Our World in Data, they are very efficient, they show the number of vaccinated persons in the U.S., just move the cursor along the graph , and you get a nice new total of vaccinees for every day since December.

A denialist at McGill, under title "Don’t Fall for the ‘VAERS Scare’ Tactic" cries out that VAERS "is being misused by anti-vaxxers to terrify the public... There were many, many reports of fever and injection site reactions (to be expected), but there were also, shall we say, head-scratching reports. A woman reported a large bald spot on top of her head following vaccination. Someone simply wrote in, “Nosebleed.” I saw a report of “anal leakage.” More than one person complained of suddenly becoming impotent... Just because an undesirable event happens after receiving a vaccine does not automatically imply that the vaccine is responsible. The experts who keep track of the adverse events reported to VAERS have to contextualize the numbers they see and look for clues..."   https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/coWhvid-19-critical-thinking-health/dont-fall-vaers-scare-tactic


Like other spontaneous reporting systems, VAERS has several limitations, including underreporting, unverified reports, inconsistent data quality, and inadequate data about the number of people vaccinated.


Indeed, an autism activist named Jim Laidler once reported to VAERS that a vaccine had turned him into The Incredible Hulk. The report was accepted and entered into the database, but the dubious nature thereof prompted a VAERS representative to contact Mr. Laidler, who then gave his consent to delete the report.[9]



Why unverified reports?  Because FDA and CDC--and Big Pharma--do not want verification.  Inconsistent data quality? Because they prefer for doctors not to report.  

The weapon of choice for malevolent Pharma fans is that of ridicule; they want us to join in, laughing at the impotent nose-bleeding leaking balding sad victims.  They encourage their jerk readers to join them in contemptuous laughter: it's all minor imaginary maladies, it's mental health issues.  And when 100,000 abandoned people join together on social media, to exchange stories, hoping to hear of improvement stories, they just kills the group, to chase the wounded back into hopeless isolation.  

At https://www.covidr.org/en/57-every-day-1000-americans-lose-at-the-vaccine-lottery we have collected a few discouraging reports out of the 500 that arrived on January 1, 2021. 

The fact that someone called back Dr. Laidler should not lead us to believe that at VAERS they have the time or inclination to double check on reports.  Certainly not now, in tempore pestis, in a time when the vaccine plague reports have multiplied twenty-fold, more than 400,000 in the first six months of 2021.


Due to the program's open and accessible design and its allowance of unverified reports, incomplete VAERS data is often used in false claims regarding vaccine safety. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control has warned that data from VAERS is not enough to determine whether a vaccine can cause a particular adverse event.[12]




Vaccineers complain that we confuse sequence with causality.  They say that the adverse event just happened by chance after vaccination, but it would have happened anyway. 

When vaccinees suffer sudden loss of sight, hearing, balance, right after the vaccine, showing the clearest possible signs of sudden damage to a cranial nerve, it is dishonest to say that, before discussing the problem, long studies are needed to establish whether it was the vaccine or destiny, that damaged that nerve.  When vaccinees suffer brain fog, epilepsy, severe shaking, migraine, Bell's palsy, paralysis, Pharma  wants studies--before we are allowed to even count how many lives have been wrecked.

Wikipedia denialists are re-enacting the campaigns waged by corrupt lawyers defending the interests of corporate polluters and poisoners like Monsanto and Dow Chemical.  The only difference is that Wikieditors do all the lying for free, at no charge, out of esprit de corps; they feel a strong sense of duty to the system, they are believers.

There has been a surge in reports to VAERS during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has lead to the data being used in COVID-19 vaccine-related misinformation.[12]


In other words, the only national vaccine effect reporting system is faulty, it allows dissenters to use it in their devious plots.  

The implication here is that VAERS reports can be imaginary or deceptive or easy to twist, to make the vaccine appear dangerous.  

Google VAERS, and you get pages of vaccineers' laments: "VAERS is inaccurate,  VAERS is misused, inaccurate images from VAERS, no proof from VAERS, VAERS is being twisted, VAERS spreads fear, VAERS not verified, VAERS misrepresents..."

A solution is ready: the President, who is allowed to order the persecution of the unbelievers, is able to sign an executive order, requiring a weekly report to CDC from every emergency room and from every doctor's office.  They would note, on a sheet of paper, besides name of doctor and date, 9 items: patient's initials, sex, age, date of vaccination, brand of vaccine. complaint, date of the start of symptoms. Current VAERS questionnaires are time- consuming and demand answers to irrelevant questions. 

Reporting could be made mandatory and very simple, if the President so desired.  No waste of time for doctors, and CDC would be able to see at once the country-wide results of vaccination.

If they have not asked the President to sign such a regulatory order, it means that neither Pharma not government want to know the side effects of vaccinations.  They know that the number of victims would multiply so fast, that it would kill the vaccine program.  They do not want to know the true level of this catastrophe.

Just as OSHA prefers not to know:

In a dramatic shift in its enforcement position with respect to the recordability of adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on May 21, 2021, published a new Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) establishing that employers do not need to record adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines on their OSHA 300 Logs, at least through May of 2022.  The enforcement position applies regardless of whether an employer requires, recommends, or incentivizes employees to receive the vaccine.  https://www.littler.com/publication-press/publication/osha-shifts-position-recordability-adverse-reactions-covid-19-vaccines


The program is an outgrowth of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which requires health care providers to report:

  • Any event listed by the vaccine manufacturer as a contraindication to subsequent doses of the vaccine.
  • Any event listed in the Reportable Events Table that occurs within the specified time period after vaccination. The data are stored electronically by the CDC in the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD).




It appears that physicians are only required to report certain issues of concern, as presented but the vaccine company.  Plus, they must occur within 50 days, otherwise, no need to report.  

The explanation for imposing such condition was that large trials had been held for those vaccines, over the course of years.  But the covid vaccines were patched up, over the course of a few months, and today we see the results of sloppy trials.